Chapter One

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When I got back I broke into tears. I managed to calm down after a bit... I had fed Fatnuggets and pet ém till he fell asleep. I needed some fresh air, so I walked the short while to the balcony; and taking a quick smoke.

All the while staring blankly at the "porn studios" building. I scoffed at the sight of that hell hole. I would much more prefer to just stay inside and do nothing, but waste myself away. Not an option when forced into a contract.

I can't take this bullshit anymore. Val. The sleepless nights. The judging Looks I get just when walking down the street. I can't remember the last time I went a day without being called a slut, or being teased with my "lifestyle."

Charlie, Vaggie Niftty, and Husk for a little, had been trying to get me inside. But I didn't care. I just wanna sit here and freeze.

For all I care I should curl up and die. Oh wait. I'm already dead. I sighed internally. I miss when I could walk around freely. Whether it was to hangout with Cherri; or relax on my own time. I could be "Happy"
And "Free." Well , as 'happy' and 'Fred's as you can get for being in Hell. Even though I had only been down here a few days after dying before practically selling my soul.... I remember how it felt. Barely..... But still.

It was the best time I've eva had down here. So the dream of feeling free again. Though Highly unrealistic...... I still held on to the sliver of hope I might have it again.

When i was alive I hadn't really felt any sort of freedom or not since I was 10. The memories of training and abuse flooded through my mind and I shivered. Gosh why can't I just forget it....

I heard footsteps behind me. They really don't give up do they? Then I heard humming beside me. Out of the corner of me eye i could see the red hair, with large ears. And big grin, of the radio demon himself. The fuck is he doin here?

"The girls informed me that you have been out here for quite some time; and have asked me to bring you back into the hotel." He said turning to face me. Yeeaaahhh.... No. "If you will not come back inside then I suppose i will simply keep you company." He snapped his fingers and a bench appeared. I fell and clumsily sat down.

"H-hey! Whats the big idea?!" I looked over at him. But he simply had a light smirk, and was looking over out at the many buildings that lay crowding below. No answer huh?

"Are you at least gonna tell me why you insist on being out here alone?" I scoffed. "Why would you care?" this isn't like Al to be nice to me. "Why it's simple my dear!" His face, -though still smiling- was slightly more serious. No.... Thoughtful. "We are worried about you." I paused. "We?"

"Yes. I believe over the past month or so the staff here have... Grown on me. And that would include you Angel!" His smile was odly comforting; and I felt my cheeks feel slightly warm despite how cold it was. "Are you alright Angel? You are looking a little red. Perhaps the cold is getting to you hm?" He tilted his head questionly. I took this to advantage as to avoid making it awkward. "Y-yeah. Just a little chill is all." it wasn't a. Complete lie. I shivered a bit.

~-(Dumb place to end this part i know- but it's not. A big deal. Next part is already here.)-~

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