Chapter Seven (For real this time- 😆

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~{It's ACTUALLY chapter seven this time. I hope you enjoy this chapter!}~



Charlie was on her knees rubbing her head. The cause of the sudden noise was-


The door being kicked open. Valentino.... "AngelCakes~ Your late." His awful voice rang around the room, and Angel hid behind me, trembling... "Run to my room. And whatever you hear.... don't look back...." I whispered to Angel. "But You-" I hushed him with a peck, and had my shadows lead Him to my room. "No! Al wait-!" But they opened a portal to keep him from drawing any more attention. I could never forgive myself if I couldn't keep you safe....

Taking a deep breath i walked over to Valentino. "Why Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you!" I said , hiding my anger behind a fake, open, smile. "Ah... You must be the infamous Radio Demon!... I am sorry about the door. But I simply Cannot. Let one of my finest workers play hooky." He had an equally sick grin on his face. "Ah you must mean Angel! He had a rough night, and so we insisted he take a day to himself!" I'll too you to Bits you pest!....

"What a shame... I didn't want to resort to violence. Buuut... Looks like I have no choice." He unleashed ~{That Is the word right?- 'unleashed?- O-o}~
His dark power, and grew at Least 3 feet taller. I kept a smile on my face, but it turned into a sinister grin as radio static filled the air. "{€@V£" my horns grew, and so did I. My pupils were now radio dials and I lost control. "Not without the spider slut."

HE ISN'T A SLUT! "D¡€..."


I could hear loud banging, and the sounds of glass shattering. The shadows Alastor had sent all left to join him. So o I was alone, crying, with nothing but the sounds of chaos and faint radio interference. But besides that.... Completely Alone. "Please be safe Al..." I cried into my knees, fearing of what could happen to Alastor and my friends.... I slowly picked myself up onto Alastor's bed and pulled in the sheets. Hopefully he doesn't mind... But rights now his familiar scent calmed me. That is until I heard loud shouting and Charlie scream. One loud bang later and it was silent.

I don't know whether to be relieved it was quiet.... Or fear the worst. I heard a knock on the door and a familiar voice from behind it. "Angel?.... Are you alright?..." I ran out of bed and opened the door. Immediately jumping into a hug. "I'm so glad your ok!..." I cried into him. "Shhh... It's alright. I'm here."
He ran his hand up an down the back of my head soothing me. "Hush now. Lay down and get some rest. It's been an eventual morning...." He picked me up and set me down on his bed gently, pulling the covers over me.

He sat down beside me and pulled my head into his lap. "Just rest Mon Ange... I will stay by your side." Right before I fell asleep , I felt a kiss to my forehead and Al whisper.... "I love you...."

~~~~~~Alastor ~~~~~~

Looking down at the sleeping figure in my lap, I smiled. Until i felt the sharp pain in my side. I had remembered the wound Valentino had given me. I smirked as I remembered the wounds I had inflicted on him. I stood up and gently sat down his head on a pillow, pulling the covers higher up to keep him warm. I sighed and walked to my bathroom.

Lifting up my torn shirt i inspected the gash in my right side. Sighing i took a special ointment out of my cabinet, and placed it on the wound. Since it was from a powerful being, only an equally or more powerful demon had to heal it. Luckily i was stronger than him and it didn't take n!much to close the wound. It would leave a scar amongst those I had received from previous battles. Wrapping it in bandages, I replaced my shirt then went back over to the bed.

I was careful not to wake Angel as I got into bed and pulled the blankets over myself. I smiled as he snuggled up to me. A small tear of joy ran down my cheek, gazing at how peacefully my love was sleeping. You are too precious for me to loose. That's why I will risk Everything to keep you safe. I kissed his forehead before closing my eyes; and drifting to sleep too. Your mine to protect. And cherish.

~{GAH! I CAAAANTT!! TOO CUTE! I didn't spend any more time with Valentin-hoe because he doesn't deserve the attention. ÙvÚ sorry about not posting chapter seven yesterday! I wrote an ENTIRE shirt story in 8hours as well as draw a 'cover's art for it. Baiii!!}~

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