Chapter Five

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~{WHAT'S UP YOU FABULOUS BIIITCHEEEES!?! Chapter five is here! But be warned... THE GAYNESS IS AT IT'S FULL POWER HERE. •But no smut ya animals. T^T DON'T JUDGE THAT'S IT'S ANOTHER ED SHEREN SONG!- THE SONGS JUST FIT! ÙnÚ But I won't hold you any longer! read hoomanz reeeaaad!!}~


The scenery around us was Beautiful... The fairy lights that hung on the tree... The sky... The Roses! It was raining roses!.... When the ending of the chorus played... It sounded like he was singing to me... I hoped with all my heart he was. When he whispered the final part I shivered and my face burned with blush. We were frozen in place. His face was only a few inches from mine. I felt his hot breath on my face.

A few seconds later i felt his lips crash against mine. My eyes were wide; and melted into the kiss. I couldn't believe it... If this was a dream... I don't Eva wanna wake up! My eyes fluttered closed, and I kissed back. The world seemed to stop. Like it was just Alastor and I. My upper arms were around his neck; the power around his waist.

I felt his hands slide around my waist. I had kissed countless times before but.... This felt... Right... Like everything I've ever done lead to this moment.

We pulled apart looking into each others eyes. I smiled, a single tear pricking at my eye. "I... I love you Angel...." Alastor ran his thumb across my cheek. "I love you too Smiles" I chuckled. We both stood there gazing into the other's eyes. Smiling. This is the best night I've eva had... I rested my head on Alastor's chest and sighed. He picked me up bridal style, and sat us down on the bench That had been created moments before. It had now become a red couch.

"No matter what anyone tells you. Your mine; and I'm yours." He said. "And no matter what you say..."

He looked at me. "Your my strawberry pimp."
Al rolled his eyes playfully before planting a kiss on my lips once more. "Of course... mon ange~" I chocked on air. "I know. You didn just try an seduce me. I'm gonna respect your space ǹ all but don't try to tease me sugar."

"Well then if you really don't want me to I wont." He held his hands up in surrender. While at the same time making me fall somewhat. "I didn't say 'don't hug ǹ love me!" I moved to sit in his lap again, and moved his hands down around me. Before pecking his lips. "And right now I want hugs ǹ loves." I pouted. He laughed in return before kissing my forehead. "As you wish." My head rested against his chest and we sat in silence. Just Enjoying each others warmth.

After a few minutes of watching the stars together
I felt my eyes begin to flutter closed. But I don't want him to leave... I forced my eyes open, but they almost immediately started to close again. "If you are tired the rest." Alastor said. Noticing my struggle to stay awake.

"Mmhh!... But your gonna leeeaave!" I groaned. "No I won't." " promise?... " I looked up at his smiling face. though not the one that is almost plastered on. "I promise. Now... Rest my love. You need it." I closed my eyes; feeling a light kiss on my head and Alastor ran his hand along my back in circular motions.


~{The Next Day}~

I woke up feeling quite warm. I guess I'm in my bed again. I thought. But opening my eyes i didn't see my light pink and black walls. Nor the lights strung from the ceiling. Instead red and grey walls were what greeted my tired eyes. Was I in Al's room?... I felt something, or rather; some one stir behind me. Alastor?... this confirmed i was in indeed his room.

I realized his arm was around my body, holding my top hand. While his other was under my head. There was no clock on his nightstand or on the wall. so I assumed it was on his side. In an attempt to turn my body and see his side, I came but an inch away from the sleeping Al's face. Before i could turn my head back around a light kiss was presented on my lips. "Good morning to you too." I chuckled.

"Did you sleep well?" His gruff morning voice was slightly laced with the usual static, but wasn't as higher pitched as normal. I blushed and burried my face in his chest; earning a small laugh. "What's so funny?" I grumbled, not moving my head. "You and your inability to hide being flustered." He laughed at the last part. "mmhh!" I pouted. "What time is it?"

He turned his head. "Almost 1:00pm" my eyes shot open and I struggled out of his grip. I had been wearing a large red shirt. Most likely Alastor's.
"May I ask why the rush?" I heard him say sitting up. "Valentinos gonna Kill me if I don get there soon!" I said, not stopping looking for my clothes. A second later i felt arms wrap around my stomach, and a head resting on mine. "He won't touch you. And you won't be going anywhere." I turned around."But!-"

"No buts. I won't let him touch you." He lifted my chin up so we were looking eye to eye. "What if he hurts you?!" I felt a tear prick the corner of my eye. "He isn't the only overlord in hell My love." He planted a kiss on my lips. And I leant in. Taking in the warmth and passion it gave. Pulling away Al said; "Come. We will eat then inform the rest you will not be going to work and partaking in Valentino's 'games'...." He said in a monotone voice.

Shaking his head and plastering on that fake grin of his; he grabbed clothes and changed in his bathroom. I didn't care so I kept the shirt and threw on some skin tight leggings, as well as my usual boots. When Al came out he was instead wearing a faded crimson red shirt with black suspenders holding up his black pants. He wore his normal shoes and bowtie. "No monocle hm?" I said playfully. "No my dear, I simply can't find it. "

"Well I'll help ya look later if ya want? But right now I'm Starving!" I said exaggerativly. He laughed and opened his door, offering me his hand. "You sure? Don't ya wanna keep this a secret to keep ya reputation or somethin?" I asked walking closer but not quite holding his hand. "To Hell with my reputation! You are Far. More important." He said taking my hand. I smiled and we walked to the elevator. Once down we went over to the kitchen and made some brunch. Nice bacon sandwiches.

~{I SAID IT WOULD BE LONGER SO IT'S OVER 1,000 WORDSSS!! I thank you so much for reading. And this is about where the main description ends. After this is more on the story but past the story description because I'm too lazy to update it- Ciao!}~

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