Hatsuharu Sohma- More

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket or the song listed below.

"Animals" by Neon Trees.

You secretly envy the pair. They waltz about as if they are dating, but unfortunately for the heartbroken Hatsuharu-kun, she politely declined his offer. Hatsuharu-kun promised himself that when he surpassed her height, she would finally be his. Sure, his height surpasses hers by now, but even so, Rin Sohma is fighting her feelings for the boy, and everyone at school can see it. Even you can see the pain in her eyes when he stops and tries to converse with her, the hurt and the struggle. But it has been over a month now, and Hatsuharu acts as if nothing had ever happened between him and Rin. Being one of Hatsuharu-kun's closest friends, you know almost everything about him, even about the time Haru and Isuzu made love, about the time Haru was madly in love with Yuki-kun. You thought you knew everything there was to know about him.

Well, almost everything. Everything but his curse.

You know so much about him, you've started to question your feelings towards him. Are they romantic feelings? Am I going insane? You've seen his 'black' side before. His 'black' side, or what his cousins and friends call him when he is angry, vicious, ferocious, and straight up hostile, is something you've seen only once. You never want to see this side of him again. He wasn't even angry at you. He was upset that Rin rejected him, and he punched a hole in a door as he walked alone in a corridor of the school. There was something unimaginably evil and stoic in his eyes, something that was apathetic. You shiver just thinking about his 'black' side.

You walk into your classroom a nervous wreck; you had to present a project to the class. Hatsuharu-kun is in this class, and you do NOT want to screw up. If anything, you want to impress him. Just stay calm and focus, you think to yourself, letting out a small sigh before finding your seat. The bell rings loudly just as you sit, and your teacher struts into the room. Hatsuharu-kun sits next to you. Knowing he's there in your reach gets your heart pumping a bit. You glance over to his seat to find him looking directly at you, into your eyes as if he could smell the essence of anxiety emitting from your petite, quivering body.

"Hey, can you give me the mathematics homework?" Hatsuharu-kun asks gruffly, his eyes emotionless as usual. You sigh.

"Again, Haru? Give it back at lunch," You whisper, grabbing the homework from your bag and placing it in his hands, your hand accidentally touching his rough one. You freeze, shut your eyes, and turn to face the chalkboard, trying to ignore the strong beating of your heart.

"Good morning, students," Our teacher announces, his chest puffing out like a bird's. The stout man looks at each at us in turn, waiting for our eager reply. An eager reply is just something he could wish for; the students in his class are exhausted from the rigorous project they had to complete, not to mention an extra layer of homework to ice the cake. You have completed all of this work in exchange for little sleep and a huge headache. However, Hatsuharu-kun doesn't look the least bit fatigued.

"Good morning, Saito-sensei," The class recites back in a collected, unenthusiastic tone. Somebody in the back of the room makes a snide remark about Saito-sensei. Another child snickers quietly, glancing up at his teacher. The laughter of your peers and the sound of suppressed giggles mark the beginning of a new day at your school.

"Today we will begin with our presentations! We will go in alphabetical order. First is Akiyama-chan." Saito-sensei roars, sitting in his chair. The timid girl stands and bows, before briskly walking to the front of the room. No one can hear her; her voice is too small and quiet. She bows to end her presentation. The class period drags on, your peers present their projects in what seems like a flash, and soon the teacher calls on you. You shoot up out of your chair and bow. You walk stiffly to the front of the class. You clear your throat, feeling nervous and excited.

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