Momiji Sohma- Change

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Here is your final request! I hope it is up to par for you.


Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket.

It has been a year since you met Momiji-kun. You have seen him around the schoolyard in the mornings everyday for that entire year. Though you are too timid to approach him, you feel like you know everything about him. The way he skips joyfully about campus, without a single care in the world has made you assume he hasn't a single issue in his life.

The way you met him was through a friend. The only thing you managed to say was a quick 'hello'.


"(Y/N)-chan, I met this boy the other day at the ice cream parlor! He goes to our school and he's in our class and everything! You have to come and meet him. Please?" Your friend Chizuko-chan says eagerly, bouncing up and down.

"Um..." You say quietly, thinking about this.

It's just an introduction, You think to yourself. What is the worst that could happen?

"Okay," You say softly, fixing your hair a bit. Chizuko squeals and immediately grabs your hand. She begins pulling you towards the stranger while laughing giddily.

"Sohma-kun, I have brought my friend (L/N)-chan to see you. She's very shy. Say hello, (Y/N)-chan!" Chizuko says quickly, acting as if you were a young child. You feel your skin become cold, because you didn't realize this stranger would be incredibly attractive. He has silky, blond hair that is partially covered by a blue cap.

"Hello, (L/N)-chan! What a pretty name~! My name is Momiji." Momiji-kun says, a big grin on his face as he bows towards to you. You swallow a breath of air, and suddenly feel like your school uniform is shrinking, and it has become harder to take a breath.

"Hello," You breath out, your face flushing red at these strange emotions boiling inside. You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and stare at a spot on the ground, hoping this introduction would be over soon.


Since that day, you can always spot Momiji in a crowd. Before that day, you didn't ever notice him bobbing about the hallways. You feel silly inside when you do happen to catch a glimpse of him, and you feel as though there are butterflies flying in your stomach.

You hadn't spoken to him for almost a year. You scold yourself, knowing that if you don't make a new, lasting impression, he will always remember the way you used to be.

In the past year, you have done everything to be outgoing. Chizuko, encourages your progress, and tells everyone what an extrovert you have become.

During last year's school dance, a popular and attractive classmate asked you to dance with him. You politely declined his generous offer. For you knew, deep inside, that Momiji-san is the one who had opened your heart to the world.

It has been a year since that school dance. Chizuko-chan primps her hair in her bedroom mirror, puckering her lips, which are soaked with a pink lip gloss. You are sitting by her side, thinking not only of all the past events that have blurred into this day of the year, but of this lethal mistake in all of your hard labor.

With all of these changes you've made, you still cower at Momiji-san's name. Even with all of the bubbly smiles, the cheerful 'hellos' to all of the complete strangers, you still can't find the key to rid yourself of that cowardly trait.

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