the monsters - Kyo Sohma

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Soooo hey guys. Everyday, this oneshot book gets added to reading lists and I'm honestly very flattered. Thank you to my followers and to all readers in general. I really appreciate the time you take to read my work. Especially since I wrote it at 16, and I've gotten nothing but love for it. I'm 21 now. And I've finally gotten enough time in my busy schedule to write a requested fic from @Alyssajj11. PLEASE DON'T READ IF PHYSICAL ABUSE AND OTHER TRIGGERS... TRIGGER YOU. as always, brokellama

You have always known that you were different. Your mother talked to you differently than she did her other children; she always keeps her distance, and doesn’t nurture you like a mother should. The issues began at her third ultrasound, when she was pregnant with you. It started off simple: you weren’t developing properly. Not by much, and by the time the next ultrasound happened, everything was normal and developing at normal rates.

At birth, however, the doctors discovered that you would be born human, but a rare, chromosomal mutation had been found in your genetics. They could only guess that it came from centuries ago, when God was first brought into the land. Your mother was disgusted by this truth, whilst many others started worshipping you as the new God, risen from death. 

You suppose this should have comforted you a little bit, but it isolated you more than you could bear. 

You are now an adolescent. Young, with pale skin and dark hair. High school is more difficult than going home. The other girls sneer at your skin, make fun of your eyes. No matter what colored contacts you wear to cover them, they still glow yellow, like a wolf. There is no hiding what happens to you when you’re extremely upset.

The whole town can hear you howl. The passerby on streets scream and run. You turn into a giant, ugly, destructive wolf monster, and nothing but time could ever bring you back to human form.

You grab your bag from your locker after your first period class, and sigh heavily. You inhale deeply, and gag. Someone must have tampered with your locker. Unfortunately, this isn’t new for you. Carefully, you push some of your books out of your line of sight and to your horror, a dead rat has been placed into the back.

“Ugh, gross!” You exclaim, slamming your locker door shut, unsure of what to do.

Suddenly, you hear giggles. You turn and see Ashley with her posse of cheerleaders heading towards you, evil smirks etched on their perfect faces.

“Oh my gosh,” Ashley exclaims, “It’s wolf girl. Did you pack a snack in your locker for later?” Her posse sniggers on command.

“C’mon guys… It was funny the first time, but this is really getting out of hand,” You respond softly, not wanting to get in an altercation.

“But we noticed you looked hungry!” A girl adds in.

“It smells almost as bad as you,” Says another with a smirk.

You sigh. Their words still cut like knives, reopening scars of the past. Everyday, since 6th grade, Ashley and whatever friends she has that week would gang up against you. No matter what you said or did, you would always be known as the ugly wolf girl.

If only Ashley hadn’t seen you that night, crying in your true form on the football field after dark. If only she hadn’t snapped a photo of her, threatening to give it to the press. The weight of her threat is more depressing to you than the treatment you receive.

“Hey, cut it out,” Barks a voice from behind. You turn and see Kyo Sohma. He is one year older than you, and you have never heard him speak until now. 

The girls let out a noise of shock.

“Kyo-kun,” Ashley purrs, “What are you doing in the sophomore hallway?”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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