Kureno Sohma - Misunderstood

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket or the song listed below.

(A/N:) I'm going to try something different with this shot. This isn't a Songfic, but I might edit it later. Hopefully, you can keep with this. I'm really excited to try this! Hope you enjoy.

He looks to his left and sees Akito-san there, by his side, sharing the bed with him. He asks himself why he did this with her. Why did he stoop as low as to do this. Why did he make this mistake. He shakes his head and sits up in this bed in which they were sharing. The room is still dark, as if night has not yet blossomed into dawn. He shivers. In the window, he sees Shigure-san, clenching his fists in anger. Shigure-san's silence is even more frightening then any words. But Kureno-san couldn't say anything. Shigure's black hair is speckled in moonlight, but his body shakes as he angrily disappears into the night, his hands still in furious fists.

"I did this for her... I did this all for her..." Kureno-san whispers, turning to the woman in bed next to him. She lay there, her black hair around her face, sleeping peacefully. The sight of Akito-san soothed and frightened him. Her hair is styled like a boy's, since she has to dress like one to hide from her zodiac family. Kureno-san looks out of the window into the night before putting his head in his hands. His body shakes in shame. He feels her stirring beside him but he doesn't move, for he is too ashamed to look her in the eye.

"Kureno. You can't ever leave me. You know you can't. After this, you have no reason to leave," Akito-san states bluntly behind him. Kureno-san slowly turns to face the woman he had just given his body to. He hadn't given it to her out of his own want, but because she forced him to, attempting to get him to stay with her forever. Kureno-san blinks at the girl, the tears falling from his red and brown eyes.

"You need to want me as a woman, not just the God, not just as your superior. Love me," Akito-san whispers, though her lips remained still.

"N-No, Akito, I care for you but... I can't love you. I want to be free. I need it," Kureno-san pleads, his voice cracking. Her body remained still and then suddenly, her frail arms clutched onto Kureno-san's shoulders. Her fingernails dug into his skin, and he yelped. He knew that she had no intention of ever letting him go.

Kureno-san's eyes open as soon as he feels the nails in his flesh. His body shoots up away from his soft and comforting bed. He blinks his eyes and studies his surroundings, realizing what he had just experienced was another nightmare of what happened last summer.

He shakes his head and lets out a sob before rubbing his eyes, trying to remove the images from his eyelids. He looks up at the ceiling and relaxes his tense shoulders a bit. She is going to ask for me again. After all, I promised I'd stay with her.

He glances at the clock on his nightstand and sighs; it is only 7:34 AM, and Akito-san doesn't call him until about 8:30. He still has time to prepare himself.

He exits his bedroom and walks down the dimly lit hall into his personal bathroom. He sighs as he stares at his reflection. His eyes have purple bags beneath them and his lips look drier and thinner then what they used to be. He grabs a washcloth from the rack of towels and gets it wet underneath the sink. He gently washes his face.

Kureno-san is very unhappy.

Soon enough, 8:30 arrives. Kureno-san knows that Akito always asks him to do simple things for her. Since she is prone to sickness, she hasn't gotten out of her bed for a few weeks. Kureno-san is mostly afraid of seeing her again. He's afraid he will see her body, and choke on his tears, remembering the way she made him touch her. That night, that sweltering night in the summer has traumatized him beyond words. He can feel her presence enveloping the dark complex. Kureno-san leaves the restroom and walks down the empty hall. His heart pumps in his chest at an abnormal rate. He can't stand the tension, the anticipation. He can't stand this suspense. Kureno-san knocks on Akito-san's door.

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