Ritsu Sohma- Forgive Me

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket.

"RITSU-SAN, YOU FORGOT TO GET THE EGGS!" You yell from the kitchen. Ritsu can be so exasperating at times. You sigh, running a hand through your hair to heal your thumping brain. Ritsu-san's mother is coming over to his house today for tea. He asked you to accompany him, because he was really nervous and needed help with the cooking. An hour before, you had sent Ritsu-san out of his house with a grocery list. Unfortunately, Ritsu-san had forgotten the eggs.

"I... I'm so sorry! FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME PLEASE! I WILL GO AND RETRIEVE THE EGGS!" Cries Ritsu, his eyes watering as he grabs at his kimono. He snatches his wallet off of the table and runs frantically to the door. He trips over his high shoes and face plants, sobbing apologies.Today, he is wearing a pink floral kimono for shopping. He really looks like a woman, You think. His hair is tied neatly in a bow in the back of his head.

"I'm sorry! I apologize, forgive me, please!" Ritsu-san begs, lifting himself off of the floor onto his knees. He pulls on your kimono, which is a sky blue with no pattern, crying into it like a handkerchief."H-Hey Ritsu-san, don't do that!" You sigh, and pat his head. He is instantly soothed and sits on the floor, enjoying every second of it. After you stop, he stands back up and murmurs that he should change again. He walks out of the room to retrieve his clothes.

"Daah, oh Ritsu-san, why are you so... so adorable?" You say to yourself, sighing and shaking your head as you continue to chop up vegetables in the kitchen. I have vegetables... I don't necessarily need a cake, it's just tea. Aha! Ritsu-chan mentioned having seaweed. I can make miso soup! You think happily to yourself when you hear a bang at the door. You jump up in surprise, and think Ritsu-san's mother is at the door. You swallow. Nothing is ready!

"Ritsu-san, please hurry, I believe your mother is at the door," You call to Ritsu-san from downstairs as you go to answer the door.

I need to impress mother. I am no longer the disappointment she thinks I am. My plan should all fall into place now that my... friend helped me cook and I am properly dressed. I can't believe I forgot the eggs. What a disappointment. What a failure. I think to myself, shaking my head as I slip on my black dress pants. I look at myself in the full length mirror next to my dresser. My pale chest, undefined and weak, my hair, long and feminine. I can't do anything right. I dress as a woman to hide my own insecurities. I think to myself. Before I can slip my long sleeved white shirt on, I hear a bang on my bedroom door.

The person at the front door was only Hatori-san."Good afternoon, Ms. I am Sohma Hatori. Is Sohma Ritsu present?" Hatori-san asks, standing in the doorway looking professional and classy. You swallow and nod, whispering, "Yes he is, wait here, I will go and fetch him." Hatori-san nods, lighting a cigarette as you briskly walk up the stairs. You knock on the door. Ritsu-san opens the door, and he has no shirt. You gasp, and cover your eyes, blushing madly.

"I... I..." Ritsu-san whispers, his eyes tearing up again, as he grabs your hands and lets go. His body is completely frigid otherwise. Your breathing pace quickens and your heart is about to explode.

"I... I can't take it anymore," He whispers to you.

Immediately, you remove your hands and stare him in the eyes, embarrassed and confused, but he gently pulls you into him before giving you a quick kiss. The feeling he gave you then made you feel amazing. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," He whispers, as if he is in pain.

He puts his hand over his mouth, then runs a hand through his long, golden hair. Then, he carefully touches your cheek and caresses it, making sure to be delicate. You shut your eyes and shiver, pushing your body closer to his.

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