Hiro Sohma- Strength

899 16 4

A/N: Sakura365

Finally! I have gotten to fulfill one of your one shot requests! Here you go, I hope you enjoy!


Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket.


It is another summer's day. The air is warm and the children roam free on every playground available. Laughter is a common summer sound.

Hiro is taking you for ice cream, but he doesn't see you by the playground yet. You don't even know his master plan, a plan he has been working on since the beginning of spring. Hiro blinks his eyes and continues to stare out in the distance. Suddenly, he sees you, your head bobbing along as you run around the jungle gym giggling. Hiro grins and marches towards you. He abruptly stops and glares at the boy chasing you.

His name is Daichi Akiyama. He has short, black hair and strong, blue eyes. He has constantly been after you for the past few months, and Hiro is pained to see you are enjoying your time with him.

"H-Hey, Akiyama-kun!" Hiro bravely calls to the boy on the playground. Daichi turns to look at Hiro. His mouth turns from a happy smile to a frown.

"What do you want, Sohma-chan?" Daichi says angrily. A few boys snicker behind Daichi.

"I... I want to challenge you! To an arm wrestling match!" Hiro barks back, crossing his arms, a defiant look on his face.

You blink at the two boys, looking like a doe in the headlights. The rest of the children stop and gasp, for they know Akiyama-kun is the strongest of their class. If Hiro is to challenge him, he is risking his social reputation.

Why is Hiro-kun doing such a thing? This is basically social suicide. You think anxiously.

Daichi laughs at the offer. Slowly, a few chuckles are heard, and the laughter spreads like wildfire. Hiro-kun's face flushes red, and his hands ball up into fists. He doesn't discontinue his offer, but instead lifts his head high and proud. The laughing stops in a few minutes. Hiro-kun glances up at you, and you look down at him helplessly.

"Fine. If you really want to embarrass yourself, let's do it," Daichi says with a sickening smirk as he steps down from the jungle gym. Hiro-kun swallows nervously, looking around at his peers who are staring vacantly towards the two boys. He looks up at you once more. You give him a smile and a thumbs up, silently wishing him luck. He gives you a weak smile back.

Without losing eye contact with you, Hiro-kun says,"We didn't discuss a prize, Akiyama-kun."

Daichi looks around the park, and then back at Hiro. 

"Loser buys the winner some ice cream?" Daichi asks, shrugging his shoulders before putting his arm out to shake on it, but Hiro-kun shakes his head to say 'no'.

He points at you. You flush red as Daichi follows Hiro's hand.

Daichi grins.

"Alright. Loser never walks (Y/N)-chan to the playground or home again, and winner gets to everyday for this whole year," Daichi says with a smirk, feeling confident that he is the one that will be taking home the prize.

You gasp, clinging onto the bar of the jungle gym.

I... I don't want Akiyama-kun to walk me here everyday...! 

You bite your lip and look at the boys again, praying that Hiro-kun will win.

"Deal." Hiro-kun says quietly. Daichi grins and firmly shakes Hiro's hand.

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