3. I take money and end up kidnapped

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A month had passed since I did the whole water thing, I'm pretending it didn't happen. I went back to the streets begging for money on the side of highways huddling under bridges, stealing  and such. Normal. everything was completely normal... until I took money from the wrong person.

I woke up this morning and did my usual check, to make sure nothing was stolen from me in the night. I patted my threadbare cargo pant's pockets and counted the money inside them. I looked through my old ratty hiking backpack. Once I was satisfied that nothing was stolen I rolled up my sleeping bag and tied it to the bottom of my backpack. 

I had saved up enough money that I could go to the store and replenish my supplies today. Yay! The cashier/manager/storeowner was super nice and would sometimes give me stuff for free! Awesome right! But sadly it doesn't open for another two hours. I sighed. I guess it's time to beg. I hate to do it but its necessary. I pulled my sign out of my bag and went to my usual street.

After about an hour and thirty minutes I decided it was time to make my way to the gas-station. I was about to shrug on my backpack but the sound of a window rolling down stopped me. I walked over to the car. My hand was mere inches from the money before I looked up and froze. It was the man from the cabin, I saw the moment he recognized me. I snatched up his money and started running.



I was on a friendly group call with the seven when I saw a girl on the corner she held up a sign, her eyes down and shoulders slumped. I took pity on her. "Hey guys, shut up for a sec. I'm gonna give money to this homeless girl." They all stopped talking. 

I rolled down my window and she glanced up but I couldn't see much of her face under her sweater hood. She walked towards my outstretched hand and only when her hands were inches from my money did she finally look up and I could get a good look at her face. I did a double take.

 It was my sister whose name I didn't know.

 She grabbed my money and darted off. I cursed and quickly told the seven what just happened and where she was headed. I grabbed my phone so I could give updates to my friends. 

Damn she was fast.  I followed her down a through street but she wasn't running anymore she was stopped right in the middle. 

I grinned when I saw who was blocking her path.  Piper, Frank, and Hazel were standing right in her path all wielding their weapons. I looked behind me and saw Annabeth and Leo come out from behind the corners. I raised my eyebrow taking a silent question. Where was Jason. They glanced up to the sky and sure enough the son of Zeus was flying right above her.

 My sister turned in a slow circle, determination clear on her face. She met my eyes "Let. Me. Go." She growled out between clenched teeth. 

"No can do missy prissy." Leo said. I glanced over to my right where Leo pulled a huge hammer from his tool belt. I met Frank's eye and nodded very slightly you almost couldn't see it. He snuck up behind her and grabbed her from behind. She grunted and kicked her feet out on the brick wall efficiently propelling them into the opposite wall. Frank grunted slightly as he slammed into the wall. He quickly put her in a choke hold, he was trying to get her to black out and it looked like he was succeeding. 

Jason floated down in front of her, we met him there. It was hard to watch my sister's eyes bug and the blood well up into her face, finally she closed her eyes and lost consciousness, Frank released his hold. I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face. "Guys I'd like you to meet my sister whose name I don't know." 

"How can you not know your own sisters name. I mean damn, that's just cold." Leo teased and I punched him in the arm. "Jason, could you take her to the house? I gotta go get the car, I'll see you there." I asked. He nodded and flew off.

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