5. There's a horse in the living room

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I went rigid. I was absolutely terrified. The irrational part of my brain jumped to the worst conclusion: Oh no! He's here to kill me because I ate his strawberries!

The rational part of my brain countered with: Yes, you're totally right he is here to kill us! Not! You dodo! They were just strawberries! Why would he want to kill you because you ate his strawberries! He probably just wants you to pay for them.

But we can't pay for them!


Even in my mind I was sarcastic. The wheelchair dude smiled kindly. I was still frozen on the first step. "Come child. I will not hurt you." For some reason his voice calmed me and spurred me into action, I tentatively continued down the stairs eyeing him and the whole way. When I reached the bottom he gestured to the couch sitting across from him. I took a seat eyeing my kidnappers. "Is this about me eating your strawberries?" I asked. He chuckled lightly "No no child, all is forgiven. What I am here for is to explain some things to you." I eyed him suspiciously. "What do you know of your parentage?" The others took the couch to the right of me.

"My mom died in a house fire when I was fourteen... I don't know what happened to my dad. I've never met him. But my mom would sometimes talk about him and how I looked like him. I've been living on the streets ever since she died. I didn't have any other family and I didn't what to go into foster care." I shrugged like it was a minor inconvenience and not the death of my loving mother. He just nodded like this was a normal thing to happen. I was surprised he didn't try to force me into foster care or something. He glanced at my necklace that I hadn't even realized I was holding. I quickly stuffed it back into my shirt. "It was a gift from my dad. I've had it for as long as I can remember." It was a simple gold triton hanging from a worn leather cord. "What do you know of greek mythology?" he asked. 

"Not much." I admitted "Only a few gods like Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Persephone, Hera, Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, and Artemis." I didn't miss the sour look that my kidnappers exchanged when I said Hera. "Allow me to shed some light on the subject." (A/N Ten points to however gets that reference)

And so began the long afternoon of explaining

"So the gods are real." my brain was a muddled mess "And one of them is my father?" Chiron nodded. I let out a hefty exhale and ran my hand through my hair. "Poseidon is my father and I'm Percy's sister that shouldn't exist." I grabbed hold of my necklace and ran it up and down the cord, staring blankly at the wall trying to sort out my thoughts. "If I'm a demigod then why did no monsters attack me seeing that I am a child of the Big Three?" I asked, focusing my eyes on Chiron who I learned was, after all, a centaur. "Because you knew nothing about your true heritage." It was Annabeth who spoke. I nodded. I wanted to tell them that they were all crazy but I couldn't because it all made perfect sense. And I was so very hungry. As soon as I thought that Percy hopped up and announced that he was going to call for a pizza. I swear he read my mind. Annabeth asked if Chiron wanted to stay for dinner but he politely declined and said he had to get back to camp. He turned back to centaur form and galloped away. 

Shortly after, four pizzas were delivered. We crowded around the table I was sitting between Leo and Percy who was sitting next to Annabeth. On the other side of the table was Jason, Piper, Hazel, and Frank. I noticed that there were no chairs at the head of the table which I thought was a little weird. 

I had  started with four pieces of pizza on my plate and was inhaling my third piece when I heard choking across from me. I looked up at Jason who was trying  and failing to hold in laughter. He was looking at me and my pizza and at Percy and his, I protectively put my hands around mine and saw Percy do the same. "What." I demanded. "Gods! You look so much like Percy! You even inherited his bottomless pit of a stomach." He choked out. The table erupted in  laughter, some tried to hide it but most did not. Soon I was also a fit of giggles. There was no more awkward silence after that. We talked the rest of the meal about trivial things. 

After we cleaned up the kitchen I looked outside hoping it wasn't too dark to set up camp. I would have to hurry. The sun was dangerously close to the horizon, if I was lucky I could make it back to where I usually sleep and set up camp. 

I hurried back upstairs, grabbed my pack and hurried back downstairs. My hand was on the doorknob before someone saw me. "And just where do you think your going?" Percy asked, barricading  the door with his hand. I swallowed a looked up at him defiantly "To make camp before the sun goes down." He shook his head and smiled at me. "Nu-uh. You're my sister. You're staying here." Tears welled in my eyes, I had forgotten what it felt like to be wanted by someone. I nodded and murmured a soft but grateful thank you. I went back upstairs after saying good night and fell to sleep. 

A/N What do y'all think so far? 

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