6. Questions

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That night, after Nerida went to bed, the seven and I were splayed in various positions on the three couches that adorned the living room. Thinking of the events of the day. Annabeth was the first to speak, "She wore leather wrist cuffs." she said it like she didn't realize she was speaking aloud. 

"I noticed that too. I also noticed some scarring peeking out underneath." Piper added. 

"She's hiding something." -- Frank. I scoffed and said "Aren't we all." They made various noises and gestures of agreement. 

I smiled a little, "Man I can't believe I have a sister." 

"A weird one too," Leo said while fishing stuff out of his tool belt. I frowned at him "What do mean?" he then went on to explain what happened when she woke up. 

"I don't think that's weird. I mean, she has been living on the street for three years." Jason, ever the gentleman, defended her. 

"Well I, on the other hand, think she's going to be a blast to be around." Piper said with that look in her eye like she was imagining all the fun they were going to have. I scowled at her "If you defile my sister with your partying I swear..." I let the threat hang. She just shrugged and smiled devilishly, "Who's to say she's not already defiled?" She did have a point there. 

"Scars and flinching. Abuse? No, she talked of her mother so fondly." Annabeth murmured, I wasn't entirely certain she realized she was speaking out loud. I was saddened by that, remembering her flinching away from me like I was going to cut off her arm. I wonder if she likes skateboarding and surfing as much as I do? 

"Probably. She is a daughter of Poseidon and your sister." Leo said still working on the same contraption and it was only then I realized I had spoken out loud.

 "Who's turn is it for breakfast?" I asked the question aimed at Hazel, who was the best with our meal schedule. She blinked sleepily and thought for a moment "Yours and Pipers." Piper began to open her mouth for a suggestion but I quickly blurted "Blue pancakes!" before she could voice it. They all laughed even Annabeth, who was awakened from her mind when I shouted. 

A/n sorry it's so short. I'm hoping to write another chapter tomorrow.

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