9. Memories

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Pain. Pain, pain, pain, my body was encased in it. Swimming in it, plunged into the deep end never to see the sun again. Ropes. Blood. Scars. Taunting whispers. Blood. Rough hands. White walls. Blood. Pain. Sold.

I bolted upright sweat beading on my forehead, gasping. The nightmare came back to me In flashes. I shook my head trying not to remember. Running from memories that were faster than I was. It was ringing in my head, a steady pounding that I could never forget. Sold. I never wanted to hear that word again. 

I frantically pulled the covers up over my head, squeezing them tight around me. Trying to find some semblance of safety. Hiding from the memories. Because if I couldn't run, I could hide. 

I tried to calm my breathing, thinking of things that should make me happy but only brought longing. 

I ripped the covers off my head scrambling to the door, down the stairs, out the backdoor, running to the ocean, my only escape. Plunging into the waves, swimming, swimming, swimming. Down, down, down. Power pouring from my body.

Screaming. Mercy! Mercy from my memories! 

A/n  terribly sorry it's so short. I just needed to get an update out. I'm super proud of this, hope you like it. 

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