13. My Doctor is a Blob

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Holy gods. My head hurts. Really bad. Holy gods. My brains are exploding.

I groaned. I tried to open my eyes but quickly found out that it made the pain worse. Everything was so bright.

What happened? My head hurt and my body felt like I'd been run over, pounded into ground beef, then cooked and thrown across the yard to be devoured by the stupid dog.

Oh gods! Oh gods!No no no! Everything came flooding back, the nightmare, escaping into the ocean, the power that poured from my veins. No wonder my head hurt so much!

What have I done? I groaned again, this time in despair not pain.

I heard footsteps then felt a cool hand press against my head. I wanted to flinch but couldn't so I settled for a "disapproving" groan. Although it probably didn't come out like that.

"Hello Nerida, can you hear me? This is Will Solace. I've been taking care of you. If you can hear me, I want you to squeeze my hand." I felt his cool hand slip into mine. I was revolted, I wanted to beg him not to touch me. I mustered enough strength to mumble "Please don't touch me." and jerked my hand from his. I could feel his confusion and heard someone mumble something too quietly for me to hear but I heard Will's soft 'oh'.

I forced my eyes open. A blurry unfocused blob hovered above me, I forced my eyes to focus. The 'blob' was in fact not a blob but a handsome young man with blond hair, blue eyes and tanned freckled skin. He smiled softly when he saw my eyes were open, I guessed this to be Will Solace.

"Don't ever touch me." I said again, my face hardening the steel coming back into my voice. He blinked but kept his smile.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, assessing me. I struggled to sit up, pushing up on my elbows and working my way to lean against the headboard.

"Fine." I bit out. And I was, physically anyways, but mentally, I was still recovering from my nightmare. They did happen every so often, I would scare away all the other homeless people with my thrashing and screaming. They all thought I was possessed or something. But on the plus side I didn't have any competitions for territory.

He gave me a look that suggested he thought otherwise. And so for good measure... I did the very grown up thing and stuck my tongue out at him.

There were a few muffled chuckles but Mr. Blob (Yes, that is his name now. Don't argue with me) continued to look at me with that "I'm a doctor and I can into your soul" look. I hated it. But I didn't break eye contact, didn't shy away from the challenge.

Oh yes, I knew how this game worked, had played it and won so many times. It was basically a staring contest. But the winner gets the territory. Well I'm this case I am convincing him that I'm fine.

Ha! He looked away! I win! Loser.

"I'm fine." I said again, wanting him to get out of my face. A boy who was living image of death came to stand at Mr. Blob's shoulder. I cocked my head at him, analyzing. He had pale skin and was the definition of goth but I had a feeling there was more to him than what I was seeing. I don't judge books by their covers.

I grinned at him "Nerida Mavi, pleased to meet you." He grinned right back "Nico di Angelo." and I had a feeling we would be good friends.

A/n sorry about the short chapters and irregular publishing. I end the chapters where they feel right and honestly I don't like to read long chapters, they get boring. If you want longer chapters let me know. These average at about 500-600 words. 

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