11. My sister takes a really long nap

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The seven were waiting on the beach when I surfaced, worry etched into their features. I dried both of us and approached them.

"Is she ok?" Hazel asked, worrying at her lip. I looked down at my sister then back up at Hazel. "I-I think so... she used up a lot of power. She will need time to rest." They nodded.

Somebody raced around the side of the house but it was too dark to see who "Yo! Percy man! Did your dad get angry or som—" the voice stopped when it saw the limp noodle in my arms. It was Will followed by Nico. They lived close by, we offered for them to stay with us but they refused. 

Will raced over shouting for Nico to go and get his med kit. "What happened?" He demanded.

"Let's get her inside first." I said, walking up the steps to the back porch. I carried her up the stairs and laid her onto her unmade bed.

Will hovered over my shoulder "Now will you tell me what happened?!"

"Well... Will, I'm pretty sure you know who this is?" I looked over my shoulder at him, he huffed in return

"She's the girl from camp? You're sister?" He raised his eyebrows a little. I nodded. He shook his head in amazement, I was amazed too... I had a sister, well technically I had two. Estelle was almost six now! And she loved coming over here and hanging out with me... well I guess us, but I like to think she comes over because she loves her big brother so much. We watch finding nemo and Moana and Luca oh my gods she loves Luca! I think she has a crush on him! Wait wait, getting off track here.

I explained to Will what had happened. "I think she had a nightmare or something. But, she's gonna be ok, right?" I looked at Will, he was hovering over Nerida, checking her vitals and other doctor-y stuff.

"Yes, she should fully recover. She just used too much power at once without training." I nodded.

"When do you think she's going to wake up?" I asked, twirling my pen. I almost stabbed myself once (actually several times) doing this but it's entertaining and I liked to tease death.

"It's hard to say, it could be hours or minutes or days." That didn't reassure me at all. I flopped down in the desk chair, spinning around as fast as I could. Looking at how plain the room was as I went.

When I realized she wasn't going to wake up anytime soon I left the room in search of food. Because food is very important, especially the blue kind. So therefore I made a sandwich, it wasn't blue but whatever.

I started thinking. Now I know bad things happen when I start to think (or even when I don't think) but this was a good thing. If Nerida was going to be staying here for a while she would need a room. She has a room but it's not hers yet if you get my drift? We needed to make her feel welcome and decorating a room was the first step.

I took my idea to Annabeth, she agreed but said we needed to get to know her style better and what some of her hobbies were. 

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