51 5 2

Started : 4 / 10 / 21
Ended :  9 / 9 / 21

[ Edited ]


⇢ Death
⇢ Jimin × Reader

SMUT [ ✗ ]

This is pure fiction and it doesn't have anything to do with my previous life. Please do not steal any ideas without me knowing or without credits.

If there's spelling or any other errors I'm sorry about it. It'll help a lot of you'd let me know.

This is my first ff that's focused in 1st person. So if it's a bad pov, I apologize.

No other Idols are included here
only BTS.

The characters' attitude aren't real.

Please do vote if you found this FF interesting or if you're liking it.

Thank you and enjoy ♡



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