5. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒈𝒊𝒇𝒕

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"Merry Christmas ChimmEyyy!" I ran up to him and gave him a tight hug. "I'm so excited to give you my giiifts!"

Jimin smiled at me and returned my hug a few seconds later. "My gift is trash... I'm sorry if yo-"

"Shut up! I don't care what it is and I don't need anything from you because... Y-you're my best gift!" that sounded wrong. Oh I'm so embarrassed I'm so-

"I'm so lucky to have you as a friend" Jimin deeply chuckle. Hot. Sexy. Majestic. Swag-

"s-same here" focus y/n. "we should do our exchange gift somewhere!"

"How about we do it here?" he suggested


"Yeah" he gave me a shrug. "I mean, the snowflakes are lessening. Besides... I wanna sit on the snow"

Why not? "Sure"

We both sat on the snow with our gifts beside us. Jimin looked down at the snow before a snowflake landed on his nose. He's a ball of adorableness. I giggled as he removed the snowflake from his nose.

"Who should start?" I asked.

"Y-you first..." He gave me a nervous smile before passing the bag to me. It had a little note wrapped around the ribbon so I read it out loud.

"To l/n y/n from Park Jimin, aka Chim. I hope you like this... whatever I gave you, it's not much but whatever. You're also an idiot" I looked at Jimin who was looking around but me. "A very touching letter if you ask me"

I laughed before opening the bag and the first thing I saw was a paper that was rolled up, wrapped with a ribbon. I untied the it and gasp in shock after I unrolled it. It was me. A drawing of me. I was smiling brightly, there was a few designs here and there which made the drawing absolutely beautiful.

"Aw Jiminie! This is beautiful! Thank you" maintain your tears of joy, y/n.

" Shut up and look through the bag more, idiot"


I snickered and looked through the bag once more. There I saw the last item. It was a pink bag with another ribbon tied on it to keep it closed. What is up with him and ribbons. I took it out and untied the ribbon.

Cookies! It was heart shaped cookies. Cute.

"Aww thank you! I love cookies" I took one and tried it out. "mmh. Did you make these?"

" I-I did" he answered with a hint of pink on his cheeks. Hohooohhh.

" It's delicious! Now, your turrrn" I handed him my gift. "I have a feeling that you'll like this"

He rolled his eyes as he continues to open the bag. First thing he saw was a little letter from me huhu. He took took it out and read it. "To my Chim! I hope you'll like these gifts, but I know you will lol. From yours truly, y/n"

He lets out a small laugh and took out the next one that he saw. A coloring kit. It had multiple color pencils in it. It's also one of the most expensive and high quality coloring pencils. "woah, thanks y/n!"

" Shut up and look through the bag more, idiot"  I mimic him.

He rolled his eyes and froze immediately once he saw the last item inside the bag. His eyes widened as his lips had a little gape in between them. "N-no way"

"Yes way" I smirked him.

He slowly took out the camera and looked between me and the camera he was holding. "Y-you shouldn't have"

"Oh but I did. Now try and use it! Take a picture of meee!"  I did, jokingly, a pose.

Jimin laughed as he took a photo of me. "mind taking a photo of me?"

I smiled and took the camera off of his hands. "say cheese! "

" Hahaha! Cheese! "

And I took a snap.

And I took a snap

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