Chapter 10- Truth or Dare

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A/N: Sorry for the super late update luvs.  I had a lot of stuff going on and also I rewrote this like 10 times : )

Chapter 10- Truth or Dare

Word Count- 1550


It's not like I was in love with Luke or anything.  I just thought he looked pretty cute one day when they were practicing.  It was just a sketch.  Am I pissed off he found it? Yes.  Do I regret drawing it?  But let's get off of this topic.

At school, I was feeling way too happy than I should've on a Monday.  I was listening to music and humming along when Flynn came up to my locker.  "Hey what's up?", I asked when she smiled at me.  "Nothing.  You've just been kind of down lately.  It's nice seeing you back to your weirdo self"

"Thanks?", I replied as we both laughed.  "So how's the band? Still hot? Still talented", she paused and looked around.  "Still dead?"

I laughed.  "Amazing.  Luke and I spent the whole weekend writing songs.  Come on, you wanna hear some of them?"



"Like it was flowing through me like when I used to write with my mom.", I said as we walked into the music room.  I made my way over to the piano and sat down.  "So this is the first song Luke and I wrote.  Here's a bit of the chorus"

'Cause we're standing on the edge of great



"Wow! I like it!", Flynn said.  "Definite Gaga vibes."

"Thanks!", I replied. "I think we have an anthem with this one.  It's something my mom and I were working on.  Luke and I finished it.  Check it out."

And it's one, two, three, four times

That I'll try for one more night

Light a fire in my eyes

I'm going out of my mind

"That's...That's beautiful.", Flynn said.  "And my girl's got a crush and his name is Luke."

"What? No! Luke's a ghost!"

"A cute ghost."

"With a perfect smile..."

"Ha! I knew it! Just remember he's made of air", Flynn said.

I shrugged. "Cute air."

"Just don't get your heart broken okay?"

"Are you kidding me? It's not like I'm going to make a move or anything!  I-I think I might just be a little confused with my feelings right now."

"Okay whatever you say Lia.", Flynn replied not convinced.

"Look okay.  Even if I did have a crush on him, I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship or the band."

"Oh! That's right! I almost forgot.  I talked to Mr. Vera and he said you guys could play the dance!"

"Awesome!  I'll let the guys know that we're on then."


"Dude we've been practicing for two hours, can we stop?", Alex asked Luke.

"This is our first performance in front of people as ghosts.  We haven't played in 25 years, Alex.  This needs to be perfect.", he replied.

"Honestly, I think Alex is right.  You guys are really good!", I said.  "You deserve a break."

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