Epilogue- Amnesia- 2

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"So guys, how are you feeling about the release of your upcoming album?" the interviewer asked excitedly.

"Well, Brian, I know that Luke and I, and well, all of us for that matter, have worked really hard on it, and we can't wait to share it with our fans," Olivia replied.

"That's great to hear," he said. "And, speaking of you and Luke, fans have started to suspect there's something going on between you two."

Olivia blushed and let out a soft chuckle. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's nothing here."

I just stayed silent, uncomfortably shifting in my chair. I hated the way she said that. She almost made it seem like there was a chance. And there wasn't. There wouldn't ever be.

"Why? Luke, are you afraid that your ex will lash out in jealousy?"

I almost choked on the water I just drank. "No, I'm sure Dahlia would be fine if we dated," Olivia answered for me. "After all, it's been over a year since they broke up and she left the band."

I couldn't believe she was bringing this up on live television. She knew I hated talking about it. And why would she say that anyway? She hadn't even talked to Dahlia, let alone gotten to know her.

"Luke, you seem a little flustered. Is there something you're not telling us? Is there any chance you still feel something for Dahlia?"

That caught me off guard. I cleared my throat. "Uh, I can't exactly answer that question."

Brian's eyes widened. "Well then, Dahlia Molina, if you're watching this, you might have a secret admirer who's not so secret," he said, winking afterward.

I internally beat myself up. That was so fucking stupid, Luke.


Dahlia Molina

"Well then, Dahlia Molina, if you're watching this, you might have a secret admirer who's not so secret."

I sighed. I admit it still hurt watching them move on with their lives and their new lead singer Olivia, but it had been over a year. I needed to move on too. I also admit hearing Luke's voice again still gave me butterflies.

We had been together for almost 4 years. Well, minus the two-week break up we had our senior year. I remember thinking Luke and I were made for each other. That our time together would never end. I never thought I'd lose him. I never thought that I'd lose Alex and Reggie either.

I left the band in a fit of rage. It was over a year ago and Luke and I had just broken up. It was a stupid decision, but at the time I couldn't imagine being in the same room as him without bursting into tears.

Three weeks later, a record label offered to sign me so I could start a solo career. At that point, it seemed like the best thing to do. I knew it would be a life changing experience for me, and I figured I should start to move on. This seemed like the perfect opportunity. So I took it.

So there I was, a year later, watching them talk about their new album and finding myself getting horribly annoyed with everything Olivia did.

The way she laughed, the way she smiled at Luke, the way they all looked so much happier with her. 

Without me.

I chugged the rest of the wine in my glass before turning off the TV. You did this to yourself, I thought, You don't have the right to get mad.

But try as I might, I still found myself regretting everything I'd done in the past year.


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