Chapter 26- Unsaid Emily

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(Sorry ik I said no more beginning a/ns but this bitch is 2187 words holy crap)

I woke up early the next morning to make breakfast. I was trying to be a little more productive and take my mind off the mess the past week had been. It's crazy how much happened in such a short amount of time.

The boys were also there because, well, of course they were.

As the pancake mix spilled onto the floor, because I had knocked it off the counter, I realized I probably did not have what it takes to be a master chef. Or a regular chef for that matter.

"You're supposed to put in the milk then the eggs", Luke said.

I glared at him. "I can only handle one problem at a time." I grabbed the dustpan and started sweeping the kitchen floor. "Besides, the box just says to put the ingredients in the bowl and mix."

Alex smirked. "I think you missed the bowl."

"I don't see you guys trying to help", I huffed.

"Ghosts, remember?", Luke said.

I picked up the dustpan and emptied it into the trash. "Yeah, but I've seen you guys pick stuff up."

He 'tried' picking up the pancake mix box, but his hand went through. "I would help you, Dahlia, but I'm too tired, so I can't focus my energy. Bummer.", he said nonchalantly.

I scoffed. "You're too tired my ass. You guys are so lazy."


It felt great to finally be at peace with the whole Jackson situation. Everything felt like it was where it was supposed to be. Well, except for Luke's sanity.

"What do you mean she still doesn't know!", Luke said, pacing around my room. "I thought Flynn was supposed to be our manager. Managers are supposed to get us gigs."

He sounded like a little kid throwing a tantrum.

"Calm down Luke", I said sitting down on my bed.

"I will not calm down. It's been almost two weeks since we played in front of people. How are we supposed to gain popularity?"

"We are gaining popularity.", I said. "Flynn said that the video my uncle posted was trending on youtube."

Luke gave me a confused look.

"That's a good thing. That means people like our music. We'll definitely be getting calls from managers now."

"That's great, but all I'm saying is why should we slow down now? If we're gaining popularity then we have to keep playing gigs so that we can get more trends on youtube."

I tried to contain my laughter but I couldn't.

He furrowed his brows and crossed his arms.

"It's okay. It's cute how you don't know how the internet works"


Luke Patterson

Sometimes I just can't hold it in. I try to put up a good front when I get like this, but it's exhausting.

I had been flipping through the pages of my journal trying to figure out the next song we should play for whenever we get a gig, when I saw it.

The song I'd written for my mom a couple of months before we died. I never got to play it for her.

As I looked at the lyrics, I could feel my breathing getting heavier. My eyes started to tear up.

At least I'm alone, I thought.

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