chapter one

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She loves the rain. She always has. Her eyelashes are always so beautiful with droplets on them.

She let the rain fall softly on her hair, coating it, allowing the light drops to eventually leave her clothing damp. She didn't care, though. The amount of water that drenched her was the least of her concerns as she pulled herself through the last few feet that separated her from her destination.

Her hand didn't even get to hit the large wooden door when she nearly bumped into its host. She should have been paying closer attention to what was in front of her rather than what circled her mind - what consumed and basically owned her fantasy world. 

"Evening, Miss Sato." The doorman greeted with his usual smile. "It's rather nasty outside for you to not have much coverage." He wasn't an old fellow like the other two were. He was reaching just about middle aged. He had almost ice white skin, paler than Asami's, and jet black hair, somehow darker than Asami's.

"It's nice to see you too, Rhodes." She said truthfully but with a sarcastic underlying tone. "But I'm fine, honestly. The rain feels nice. Plus I didn't know it would be raining today and didn't bother looking for an umbrella at the office."

"Coming in late from work?" He opened one of the doors, letting the both of them in. Asami was finally out of the said nasty weather and loud noises of the busy city streets. Her slightly shivering body appreciated the new warmth of the small lobby, and her ears appreciated the quietness of it.

"Still running through those so called 'training courses' with my father, yes." She answered.

"I'm sure you're doing well. This is the hardest part, I assume."

"I feel if I say that then it will only get harder." Asami offered him a tired smile but hoped it would come off as a real one. She began to walk backwards towards the staircase that would take her to her apartment, still talking to Rhodes. "Better not twist my luck, if this even could be considered that."

"Don't worry yourself too much." He boosted politely. Rhodes was always nothing but a decent gentleman. "Say good day to Korra for me."

Asami stopped in her tracks. "You haven't seen her today?"

"She hasn't come out at all today, as far as I know."

"That's odd." She scrunched her nose wondering what Korra could have been doing in her apartment all day. "Okay well, I'll let her know you say hello."

"Wonderful, Miss Sato."

"Rhodes," Asami sighed before taking the first step on the off white stairs. "You know that I prefer when I'm called Asami by my friends."

"Can't a guy have some fun around here?" He shot her a cheerful smile, and for a second, she wished that she could give him the same energy. She just wasn't feeling it today. 

"Whatever you like." She said. "Are you working tomorrow?"

"Day off. I'll be back on Thursday, though."

"Alright, then I'll see you then. Have a nice day off!" She waved him goodbye and he did the same.

"Will do, Miss Sato!"

With that, Asami shivered once more, then made her way up the staircase. Though the apartment building was definitely above decent, they had yet to invest in an elevator. Asami thought about asking her father to possibly loan them the money - as if he couldn't just buy out the entire building himself - but decided against it.

Since she graduated high school, she became tired of depending and relying on her father's money to boost her to higher grounds. People back in school made it quite clear that they only thought of her as the daughter of a rich man, but she never noticed until she entered college. 

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