chapter four

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She's probably had everything on this menu a million times each.

"And what would you like?" The barista asked with a non-ear meeting smile. Korra glanced back up at the menu one last time, though still, none of their specials seemed like they would satisfy her.

"Um, can I just have a tall hot chocolate? With extra whipped cream, if you can." She answered.

"Of course. And your name is?"


 "Go it." They replied. "And will that be all?"

"Yeah, that's all." She confirmed solemnly. A small group of young teenagers giggled loudly as they passed by her, about to head out. Korra's eyes caught on to what most of them were holding. It sprung an idea in her mind. "Wait, sorry. Actually, can I also have two chocolate cake pops?"

"Sure thing." They said, punching more buttons on the screen. "Total will be thirteen fifteen." 

Korra mentally groaned when she heard the price as she pulled out her wallet from her coat pocket. It was pretty annoying at how expensive three small things could be, but then again, this was a Starbucks in New York City. After living there for most of her life, you would think that she would have adjusted to the large numbers by then.

She inserted the chip side of her credit card into the payment terminal, waited for the go, then took it back out when she was given the clear to, shoving it in her wallet as well. The barista informed her to wait at the pick-up window (as if she needed to be told that) and said that her beverage should take no more than five minutes. Korra considered herself lucky that the cafe wasn't as busy as usual that day, though it still had a bit of a bustling crowd.

After receiving and picking up her order, she walked out of the coffee place to be met with the hectic streets of the city. She wasn't too far from her apartment complex, and considered heading back right then. She had a long day at the gym. It was her first day with a new client and he wasn't exactly the easiest person to work with. At certain times, Korra couldn't tell if they even wanted a personal trainer like herself. It seemed as if he was preferred to do everything on their own (even though most of what they were doing was wrong.) 

Despite that session in the early morning, the other few went fairly well, but still tired her out. She had to keep her eyes on the prize. The promotion that would be announced in late April or early May.

It was around seven pm now. In the last few days of March, heading into spring, the weather was beginning to look up just a bit, following with the sun setting later. Korra decided that it was actually nice enough to go for a quick walk before returning home. 

The area that she lived in was certainly nice, thanks to her father's job. He was chief of a large town back in Canada, and that, of course, earned him lots of money. Korra was lucky to consider herself privileged in that aspect, but things as great as that always came with their faults.

She shook her head before her mind wandered to the not-so-lovely memories of her childhood. Instead of dwelling on those, she turned her attention to the people around her. She often loved to people watch. It was easy and in a way it was humbling and exciting. It was a dumb idea to her, but Korra always found it somewhat amazing how every single person that passed her had their own unique story. Whether it was living the life they had always imagined, or they were going down a path that they never thought they would find themselves at, it was still kind of beautiful. In her eyes, at least. 

Asami had told her on numerous occasions that the idea wasn't dumb. Korra liked to believe almost anything that her best friend told her, especially when she was being flattered by that certain sincere voice.

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