chapter two

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She always used to tell me how good I look with my hair tied up.

Korra stuck her hand into one of the small drawers under the bathroom sink. Once she found a suitable enough hair tie that wasn't on the verge of breaking, she tied it into her chopped hair, making a short bun that hung low. Her hair was getting pretty long. She looked back to herself in the mirror, checking to see if any part of her looked out of place.

Her eyes traveled to her neck.

"Shit." She whispered to herself.

She ran her hands over the few bruises along the skin from just yesterday. The spots were small and fading, but still visible. She had completely forgotten about the marks. Then, she wondered if Asami had seen them.

There she was, standing in front of her best friend with horrid hickeys coating her throat. The low cut shirt with a v-line definitely exposed them greatly. The thought about Asami noticing them and thinking of her wrongly made her stomach coil in a weird way. She cringed at her reflection while trying to recall if she had felt an odd gaze on her yesterday.

But Asami couldn't have thought anything wrong of it, right? She wasn't that kind of person, and Korra knew that better than anyone. If anything, Asami saw the marks one second and looked away the next. Korra was in a relationship, and that's what happens when in a relationship.

Three soft knocks kit her front door.

Her pulse quickened, immediately recognizing the pattern. She studied her mirrored self one last time before shutting off the lights and leaving the bathroom. Nerves pricked at her fingertips, making them tingle and burn. Her pace as her feet carried her to the door quickened for the last few steps once she reached the kitchen.

A bolt of electricity shocked her hand when she reached for the doorknob, but she ignored it, all too excited. Korra undid only one lock on her door, considering that she only paid attention to that one anyway. She felt the three to be unnecessary, and too much.

She pulled the door open.

Asami stood there in her taller form, a subtle look suiting her nicely. The first thing that Korra noticed was her eyes. They looked ... tired, and of course, that concerned her. Asami wore a simple outfit, though she still managed to come off as nothing less than professional. Korra always admired how she was able to pull off almost anything. The outfit consisted of a black blazer draped over a white tank top, long black dress pants, and short heels. No jewelry was in sight, and only a little natural makeup could be seen.

"Hey," Asami greeted with a smile. Gentle and genuine and so comforting.  "Good morning."

"'Morning." She greeted, strangely, feeling a bit out of breath. "I'm glad you could actually make it." She joked, though she was partially serious. Sometimes, Asami had a tendency of not showing up to plans last minute. Korra stepped out of the doorway and opened it a bit wider so that Asami could enter. Once she was inside, the door closed and locked.

Asami turned back to Korra, clutching the small bag she held in her hands. "You say that as if I cancel on you constantly."

"Well, I wouldn't say that you cancel on me." She paused, subconsciously doing her famous neck grab as if it provided her some kind of support. "I just feel like I haven't seen you in awhile."

"You came to visit at me door just last night, and I told you; I have training."

"Yeah, I know." Korra sighed, then brought herself to look into green eyes again. "How long can you stay for?"

"I texted my father and asked him if I could come in around ten or ten thirty." Asami informed while setting the purse down on the counter top. She then leaned her back against it and crossed her arms over her upper body. Korra walked into the kitchen as well, mimicking her friend's moves by taking in the same stance but next to the refrigerator.

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