chapter fifteen

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I hope she has a good time tonight. She deserves some fun like this.

It seemed that Korra's timing for them was perfect. The club was well alive and lit by the time that the six friends secured their IDs with the bouncer in the front. Kuvira, who was good at these things for some reason, instantly dove into the crowd, pushing other occupants aside to create a pathway for her friends to follow. Everyone just split like the sea for her, almost like magic. Korra always found that trait amusing, but also extremely helpful to her as well for a setting like this. Kuvira then found an empty table that was in a great spot; not too close to the bar in case a fight broke out and drunks went flying, and not too close to the dance floor in case someone danced too hard and was about to hurl. Their possible projectile - if they couldn't hold their shit in - wouldn't reach them. And surprisingly, the table wasn't sticky, either.

They all piled into the crescent booth. Korra purposefully sat at one of the ends, having Asami sit on one of her sides. Kuvira, being a master at this yet again, easily waved over a worker. They said that they would be with them in a minute by holding up a single finger.

"How much are you planning on having?" Korra asked Asami in what she hoped would be a hushed tone, but the pounding of the basses and music didn't offer her such. She slightly turned her body inwards so that they faced each other.

"Not too much." Asami answered, also turning more towards Korra. "I don't feel like having a hangover for the majority of our last day here."

"Since when did you get hangovers? That never happens to you."

"I'm not taking any chances."

"Fine. That's fair. I guess I'll just have as much as you do, then."

"Count me out of that mess." Opal invited herself into the conversation as she squished into Asami's arm. Her face painted with a giddy smile. "Why are you guys putting yourselves on some kind of budget? We're on vacation!"

"Do what you want, Opal, but I'm not taking care of you tomorrow morning." Asami jokingly scolded her.

Bolin then came in and slapped his hand on Opal's shoulder, causing her to glare at him. He didn't notice. Either that, or he was so used to it that he didn't care. "Don't worry. I've got it covered."

"And I'm not taking care of you tomorrow morning."

"Relax, Mako. Opal and I know how to handle our scotches, okay?"

Their waitress finally arrived with a pencil and notebook in their hands. Everyone at the table went around to place their first orders for the night. The worker said that they should be back in around five minutes with their shots, and Mako's sprite. He was choosing sobriety for their evening.

"I'm designated driver." He mumbled when everyone stared at him oddly.

"I give you props for that." Kuvira cheered him on. Sarcastically, of course. It looked like she was just about to say something snarky again, but her phone rang. She looked at who was calling, and in the next second, was out of her seat. Korra could tell that it was her mystery girlfriend. "No one touches my drinks." She demanded, then slipped away into disappearance.

Four shots of Grey Goose in for the two childhood best friends and they were laughing it away at basically everything that happened.

Kuvira was still in some corner on the phone, but genuinely looking like she was having the time of her life doing just that. She came back to the table to get her drink, then quickly exited again. Bolin and Opal were nowhere to be seen (most likely making out in the all gender bathroom and creating a large line.) Korra had handed them a small piece of the punchbar for them to split before they left. Mako was actually busy talking to what Korra only knew as a stranger. It was a man much shorter than him, with brown skin, big green eyes, freshly swiveled hair, and a very loud grin. They were currently chatting up a storm at the edge of the bar. Korra and Asami always smiled when they looked at them again. Being so used to hot-headed, ill-tempered Mako, it was pleasing to see him so calm and collected for a change. Maybe this guy he was talking to would be someone good for him after all.

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