chapter six

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Without a doubt, she is definitely upset about the sudden change of forecast.

However, it happened to be quite the opposite for Korra. She was one of those people who loved this weather. Adored it, even. It was one of the things that she actually hoped to see every time when she would check the weather app - something that she greatly looked forward to and always put her in a better mood than usual. 

She never knew what it was exactly, but one day, something inside of Korra changed completely, shifting in such a dramatic, fierce, and intense way. And ever since then, the rain has played a huge roll of favoritism in Korra's life.

Circling around the familiar corner, she (finally yet also sadly) neared Acolyte's gym. She sighed once she pushed the door open and walked inside. Korra was immediately greeted by the regular smell of her work place; a very faint scent of mint coated with deodorant, and strangely enough, some type of smoothie mix or fruit. She always felt lucky when she arrived early, that being a way of not coming into the sweat stench that had usually already settled.

Noticing that no one was at the front desk, (which was odd but not something to be considered rare) she decided to head straight for the women employee's locker room to change into a more suitable attire for her day. Once she got there, her eyes landed on one of her co workers that sat on one of the bences, looking deep in thought while scrolling through her phone. Korra didn't even think that her presence had be noted yet. 

"Hey, Jin." She spoke up while walking over to her locker. She dialed the code in and popped it open.

"Oh. Good morning, Korra." Jin finally looked up and shut off her phone. She plastered on that warming smile that she pulled off so well, then cocked her head a bit. "You're here early - it's only nine. I thought you didn't have your first client until later in the day."

"He decided that it would be a good idea to reschedule yesterday evening. A last minute change like that is just what I needed." Korra mumbled with a scuff and irritated face as she recalled her conversation over Email with a client of hers that she already wasn't so fond of. "He's coming in around ten now instead of one."

"That's awfully annoying."

"Yeah, but it's not all bad. If I came in later I probably would have missed the amazing weather." 

"You're a fan of the rain?" Jin questioned. She was good at starting small talk, and Korra was good at carrying it out and letting it flow easily. "Odd."

"Of course." Korra confirmed with a small grin. She pulled out a tank-top from her locker and handed it to Jin for her to hold it, which she did. She then shrugged off her coat and shoved it inside of the square compartment. "I can't see how anybody isn't a fan. Though my best friend could disagree with me on that one." She smiled thinking about the countless times that her and Asami argued about which weather was the best. They did that way too much in their free time in high school.

"I can't say I love it, but it's alright, I guess."

Korra eyed her friend from the side after slowly taking the tank top back into her own hands. The tiredness in Jin's voice was not overlooked.

"Everything okay with you?" She asked with a raised brow. Jin only looked at her with confusion. "You just sound kind of stressed. And though you haven't been working here long and I haven't really known you long, either, I don't think I've ever seen you stressed before."

"I'm fine," She simply waved off, fidgeting with her phone. "Just having some problems with my one of my sisters." Korra then remembered that Jin was actually a triplet. An identical group, in fact. The pictures of them together up until they were in college were ... terrifying.

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