chapter twelve

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Those are her favorite flowers.

The voice coming from her cell phone that flowed into her ear soon came out in mumbles when her attention was drawn elsewhere. Korra came to a slow stop when she eyed the self-grown bundles of lilacs that stuck out from a single pot. The color was as radiant as it could have been; the petals having the perfect amount of contrast between all the darkest shades of purple that ventured into the lightest kinds of pastel.

With little to no thought, she bent down low enough to extend her free hand, carefully picking it at the stem from its roots in the damp soul. She twirled it around closer to her face - a way of properly examining the plant to make sure that it indeed was perfect. And it was. Korra didn't even bother to bite back or hide the closed-mouth smile that was beginning to form. She let it shine brightly, yet still shyly in a way, beaming at the flower in her hand, as if that would give it the energy to last a lifetime. With the flower close, she took a quick waft. She wasn't too big on smelling plants, but she had to admit that it did certainly smell good. Almost like the artificial creams you would buy in stores. Maybe not all of those brands lie when they say 'one hundred percent organic.'

"... sure if you would be down for it or give another excuse, so I just told them to bring an extra bottle."

And that was when Korra, unfortunately, tooned back into the voice on the other end of her phone. She grumbled and shamelessly rolled her eyes as she twirled the flower in her hand once more. God, it really was beautiful. Even the green of the stem was radiant. If it was only a shade or two darker, Korra could swear that it was the same shade of green as the eyes of the girl across the hall. She smiled at the thought.

"What are you talking about?" She finally spoke, turning a corner.

"The party Clementine is holding."

"Oh." Her shoulders dropped. "And that's when?"

"Tonight in Scarsdale. Starts at eight, she wants me there at six."

She scrunched her face. "Scarsdale? I'm already going upstate in a few days."

"Oh right." Tahno cooed, carrying out his phrase to purposefully cause irritation to his girlfriend. There was a knowing picture in Korra's mind of that toothpick in Tahno's mouth, flicking back and forth. "With Miss Future Industries Junior."

Korra's lips thinned along with her brows pulling together. "Her name is Asami. This 'joke' is old, Tahno." She practically spat. "Really old."

"Yeah, yeah. I know the girl's name." He mumbled with little to no care in his tone. It made Korra want to punch something. The only thing keeping her from doing so was the flower that she held so delicately. Just looking at it eased some of the tension from her back. "So you're going up in a few days, so what? How exactly does that stop you from coming up tonight?"

"It stops me because I don't feel like doing two trips that are basically back to back. This plan of yours is last minute, anyway."


"It is. I would prefer it if you actually told me these 'details' days ago." At that, she looked back down at the flower in hand. The sight brought her excitement of the days ahead of her, when she would be in upstate New York with Asami and the rest of their friends. That was the priority here. "Even then, I'd say no."

Tahno only gave her a dramatic sigh. "Her parents have a super nice place. And I already requested a room for our ... late night activities."


"Don't play dumb with me, doll."

Korra shook her head as if to dismiss her boyfriend's unwanted dirty mind. "Whatever. I'm not going anywhere with you or your fucked up friends. I don't feel like taking care of anyone or running to the hospital to get their stomachs pumped."

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