George's Letter

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Dear George, 

         Heya George! It’s me, Dream. I know you probably don’t want to hear from me after what I said to Tommy, but I do still care. I said “everything” not everyone. I still care about every single one of you, but I guess it’s too late to say that, huh? I miss you guys. I’m not going to lie, I miss you all so much. Tommy has been allowed back into L’manberg, which is great! But that doesn’t mean Techno is going to stop. I’m trying my best to stop him, which means I have to cut contact with you all. I’m in an old cabin, the one I was born in, currently, it’s about half way to Techno’s house, and don’t ask how I know this, you don’t want to know. Anyways, I should hopefully be back by February(This was sent on New Years, I don’t know when you got this), so an entire month without me! I probably won’t be coming back permanently, I like my home. I’ll visit and help rebuild and try to undo what I did to everyone. It’s your choice if you want to show the others this, if you even read it yourself. At least tell SapNap and BadBoyHalo that I miss them, and tell Tubbo and Eret that I can’t come back. Tell Puffy that I miss her, because I do. Tell Tommy that he doesn’t have to worry. Please do this. See you In February when I move out. 


George sat there, still, after reading the letter. Dream, his best friend who hurt him, was going after a Blood God. Not only that, but a Blood God who will kill without a second thought if he feels threatened. He was scared. Scared for his friend. Scared for what he might have to tell Dreams mom. He was horrified of what he might have to tell Dream's siblings. He was scared he was going to lose his friend. 

“Why the [....] is he going after him..?” George said, sitting in the living room of the house all of the dream team used to share that only himself and SapNap lived in. 

Without him noticing, George had started crying while thinking about what he might have to tell the children that once looked up to the Green Man.

George was not ready for when Dream returned, if Dream returned.


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