SapNap's letter

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Dear SnapMap,

         Hey man, I miss ya. I really, really miss you. George probably read you his part, but if he didn’t, I really didn’t mean it whenever I said “everything,” you’re not a thing, Sap. You’re an amazing, and strong, and one of a kind, wonderful person. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. I love you man, never change, please. If George didn’t read his letter, tell him that everyone is welcome back. Everyone that’s been exiled, turned into a ghost, or other, they’re welcome back. I have a code that allows people to come back to life, but only if they want to. Happy New Years! I really hope this year will be greater than the last, especially with me moving out. Oh yeah, I’m moving out whenever I get back. When I’m writing this I’m at an old shack, the one I was born in, I’ll be moving in here after I build a house here. I’m close to Techno’s house, so I’m pretty far from L’manberg. I’m working on a project currently, so I’ll be gone longer than I thought whenever I sent George’s letter. I’ll probably be back Late February to Early/Middle March. I’ve known you for forever, so you know what I look like. I won’t be wearing my mask once I’m completely moved into my new house, so only you will be able to find me. Don’t look for me unless something serious is going on. I will see you soon, bye for now.


SapNap was already out the door by the time he finished the letter, he was not going to let his best friend get himself killed, not if he had anything to do with it. Sap was not going to sit still while his friend goes on a suicide mission to save L’Manburg, a country he didn’t even like all that much, just to please people who would say he could’ve done better. He wasn’t going to let it happen.

“G0dd@mn!t Dream,” SapNap growled under his breath, “why the h3|| would you go after a freaking Piglin hybrid with a taste for blood..”


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