Ghostbur's Letter

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Dear Ghostbur, 

    Hey! You’ve probably heard about how much of a horrible person I am/was, and you probably don’t remember your childhood all too much either, but we were friends! You, me, Sally, Punz, Technoblade, and Philza(he took care of us) used to all hang out together before Manburg/L’Manburg, Pogtopia, everything else, we were pretty close too! Anyways, I’m not sure where you are exactly so I’m guessing you’re at Philza’s place, so if Phil’s also reading this, hello Phil! If you guys are still at Techno’s place, can you tell him that I’m coming over? I want to talk to him about L’manburg. Anyways, that’s not what I’m writing about, I wanted to talk to you about your memories and your lives. Since I’m an admin I can bring you back if you want me too, so you can ask SapNap to bring you to my base whenever you’re ready. I don’t really know what else to say so I’ll end it here, I’ll message when I can too tell you whenever I’m back so you can tell Tommy if he’s still hesitant to be around me.


Ghostbur didn’t really know what was going on, he was confused and worried. Philza, who was in fact reading over Ghostbur’s shoulder, was even more worried. Phil had seen them all grow up together, he basically raised Dream, and he might lose one of his sons to the Blood God. 

“Phil? What does Dream mean?” Ghostbur asked.

“I..I think it means that Dream’s going to Technomate’s house to discuss if L’Manburg will be in one piece..Techno plans to blow up L’Manburg..” Philza’s eyes went wide with realization. “Dream’s going on a suicide mission.”

Phil ran to the phone that they had on their wall and called SapNap, who didn’t answer, so he called George, he also didn’t answer. So he called Eret.

“Hello?” Eret said on the other line.

“I need you to save someone for me.” Philza stated.



“What? Why? What’d he get himself into now?”

“He’s going on a Suicide mission to save L’Manburg.”

“It makes sense that he’s doing that. Tubbo’s going to be in L’Manburg by the time Techno made his decision.”

“You knew about this!?” 

“I mean, yeah. Dream told me about the bomb. But he didn’t tell me about him going after Technoblade. I’m pretty sure SapNap is going after Dream already.”

“Hopefully, or we’ll lose another friend.”

“Let’s not talk about that.” Eret said, then hung up.

“Phil? Did I really grow up with Dream?” Ghostbur asked.

“Hm? Oh, yeah, you did. You guys got into a fight whenever Tommy was born though and stopped hanging out together. Whenever you guys started hanging out again I thought you guys had solved it, but nope. You and Tommy hurt Dream, so he hurt you guys back. It was a chain of events that I prefer to not remember. I’m going to make tea.” Philza went into their kitchen, leaving Ghostbur to think. 

“I need Friend..” Ghostbur went to find his sheep.


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