Dreams Winning

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Dream had left the cabin as soon as he knew the letters arrived, he didn't want to leave and the letters never get their locations, he needed them to get their letters. He knew Sap would go to the cabin as soon as he finished his letter, so he had to be quick. He knew Sap. He knew him well. Well enough to know that he can be very fast whenever someone he cares about might be in danger. Dream knew he could die on the trip. He didn't care. He was going to die being someone who tried to stop any future wars from happening, if he didn't get stopped.

'I need to hurry.' Dream thought.

'C'mon, C'mon, I really can't be stopped now, I've come too far.' Dream was dedicated to get to Techno's place and stop him from destroying L'Manburg. His brothers were going to be there for heaven's sake, he can't have them dying before he gets a chance to stop it.

"Dream!" Dream heard someone yell, he started going faster.

"Dream! Stop! Now!" Sap yelled.

"No! I've come too far to go back now! I can't let them get hurt!" Dream yelled back, making sure to keep a fair amount of space between the two so that Sap couldn't tackle him.

"Who!?" Sap yelled back, gaining up speed to catch Dream.

"My brothers, Sap! My brothers!" Dream yelled back, trying to gain more space between the two.

Sap finally managed to catch up to Dream, but not enough to tackle him, just enough to pull him back and make him fall onto the ground. The taller male struggled to get out from the shorters grip.

"Just tell me what your full plan is! I'm not letting you go to your death for a country you don't even like!"

"I don't have to tell you my plan! I'm not doing this for L'Manburg! I'm doing this for my family!" Dream yelled back, he was freaking out, he wasn't going to be able to save his brothers, his friends, the people he looked up to.

"Dream, breathe. Think this through. How would you be able to help your brothers if you're dead!?" Sapnap tried to reason, "You can't, they need you alive, I need you alive!"

Dream stopped struggling.

"You? Need me?" Dream said, monotonously and angrily, "Since when did you need me? Last time I checked, you abandoned me."

"W-What?" Sapnap asked, his grip loosening.

"You left me, and now you need me? Hah.." Dream got up from the ground after getting out of Sapnap's grip. "What a [.......] lie. SapNap, you left me and told me you don't need me. So [....] off." Dream walked off, leaving Sapnap to stand there, ashamed of what he did.

"What about Eret? Puffy? Tubbo, Lani, Drista? What about them? They need you." SapNap yelled.

"My mom left me, Eret betrayed me, Tubbo chose someone who hurt me over me, and Lani and Drista don't even care about me anymore! I'm doing this to keep my brother from dying. Nothing more, nothing less. I could care less if L'Manburg dies. I care if my brothers die. Goodbye, SapNap." Dream left after that, there was no convincing him out of this.

SapNap went home. He needed to see Eret.

He knocked on the castle's door, Eret opened, hoping for good news.

"Sorry Eret, I couldn't save him.." SapNap didn't look Eret in the eye.

"...What?" Eret didn't believe what he heard.

"He's made his decision. I tried bringing you guys up but..he's not giving up on this.."

"Why not? He doesn't even care about L'Manburg!"

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