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James was sitting on the mostly broken wall, thinking about Dream and Technoblade.

“Hey! What’re you doing up there!?” a familiar voice called.

“Eret?” James turned around.

“James..?” Eret was shocked, but he knew there wasn’t time to waste. “James, we need your help.”

“With what?”

“It’s Dream. He’ s gone after Technoblade.”

“Gone after? Do you mean they stopped being friends?” James sure was shocked, those two were Gods on the battlefield, not to mention inseparable.

“No, they’re still friends, but Techno plans on blowing up this place.” Eret said, James tensing up at the mention of ‘blowing up’.

“I see. Take me to Dream.” James said.

“He’s already at Technoblade’s house most likely.”

“Has he moved since..you know..?”

“Then I’ll be back with Dream.” and with that, James started his journey. He had been through worse, but he was not losing his best friend.


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