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"What do you think the stars are for?" Draco asks, his voice sleepy and words slurred as if he were drunk.

Roxanne smiles and looks at her little brother. She can almost see the innocent little boy that she once knew. The little boy who hadn't been broken down by his father.

His eyes darted from side to side as he looked around for some kinds of picture in the sky.

"I don't know. Mum always told me that they were our ancestors watching over us." She pointed to the sky at one specific star. "That one is Grandpa Abraxus." She pointed to another. "And that one is our ancestor, Brutus Malfoy."

Draco watches the stars with great interest. Everytime they would do this he would just sit and stare. It never bothered her that he wouldn't talk. Occasionally one of them would crack a joke about something but it was rare.

Times like this brought them closer. The times when they would just sit and enjoy each other's company. There was no father, no boyfriends or girlfriends, there was no death eaters.

Just the two, sitting and watching the stars.

It was nice. Until it wasn't.

"Roxanne Penelope Malfoy, we need to talk"

It was a male voice. One she knew by heart. She looked at her brother who had the same expression as her.

"Yes father."

She stood and turned to see her father, standing in the corridor. His face twisted into an angry scowl as he glared at his children.

Roxanne holds out a hand at her brother and he accepts it, coming to his feet.

The two climb through the open window and face their father.

"Hello father-"

"Why have you been ignoring me?" He spits. Roxanne flinches at her fathers words but doesn't respond. The man glares. "Well?"

"I'm sorry father."

He quickly grabs her wrist and pins her to the wall.

"It's because of that Weasley boy isn't it? He told you not to respond." His words crack like a whip. "I'll have him dead."

Roxanne let's out a sob and Draco goes to help her. Only to have a hand to his face.

"Yes. I'll have that Weasley boy dead, and his brothers, and his mother. All the Weasley's gone. Thet won't be making a mockery of the pure blood legacy anymore."

"Father please no." The girl pleads. Lucius drags the girl to the floor and glares at her. She wanted to cry so badly but she knew it would end worse if she did. "Please."

The father must have felt pity for the girl. He let's her up and looks her in the eyes. He raises his eyebrows in surprise.

"Fine. I won't have them killed." He says. Roxanne feels a weight lifted from her shoulders, only for it to come back when he speaks again. "If you can convince one of them to join us, specifically one of the twins."

Roxanne feels her chest tighten as she looked at the man in front of her. He was being serious.

"Why the twins? Specifically?" She asks. She knew that they would be the hardest to convince other than Bill and Ginny.

"Because they are powerful, and they know how to draw a crowd, we need that and it is certainly not coming from you." He takes his wand out from his cane and points it at the girl.

"You have two weeks, if they're not with us I will have them, and you, killed."

And with a flick of his wand he's gone.

Roxanne stated at the spot her father had just been in. She knew he was bad but he would never kill his own daughter. Right? She looks at Draco who was holding his jaw and holds our her arms. He sinks into them and the two sit for what seems like hours.

Draco pulls away from his sister. She holds out a hand and he takes it.

"Come on let's just get to bed." She says. He doesn't say anything but he agreed by silently walking beside her.

The halls that were filled with moonlight just an hour ago were now dark and cold as the two walked. The only noise that could be heard was the later of their footsteps as they reached the entrance to the common room.

"Pure blood." Roxanne whispers. The stones break apart and open an archway, allowing the two to walk in. Several students were still in the common room even at such a late hour. Some were working on school work and some were asleep on the couch.

A girl sitting by the fire, reading a book waved hello to the two but she never got a wave back.

Draco breaks apart from his sister, despite everything in him telling him not to. He says goodnight and walks up the stairs to his dorm, Roxanne doing the same shortly after.

She slowly walks up the stairs, the pain in her wrist was unbearable from how hard he had gripped it. She turned the doorknob and opens the door, only to see a tall redhead boy getting yelled at by her roommates.

"Ladies I'm sorry I was just looking for Roxie." He says defensively. He turns his head to see the girl sitting in front of him. She must have looked worse than she though because he let's out an almost silent gasp. "Merlin Roxie."

Him and the girls stop fighting for a second to go comfort the girl. Fred bends down to wrap his arms around her, and despite every nerve in her body telling her no she wraps her arms around his neck.

She cries into his shoulder as everyone around her asks why she was crying. She can barely hear them though. Every word that is spoken to her is muffled, only the sound of Fred's breathing against hers as she closed her eyes and leaned further into his embrace.

Step one, let him think you need him still ☑

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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