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I can't believe this were in sixth year we shouldn't have to take potions." George says as the three walk through the halls. It was November 16th and they had just gotten the news that the sixth years had to take potions again.

"I know right, this sucks we just got away from Snape." Roxanne says. She watches as the sons of Bulgaria walk through the halls. One of them winks at you and you feel yourself blush. Fred noticed and gripped your hand tightly.

"Let's just get to class." He grumbles and practically drags her from the group. George was walking behind the two as they entered the classroom in the dungeons. She sat in the back and George sits next to you, feed into front of her with some brunnete girl.

"Hey, Georgie." You whisper. The boy turns to her and she smirks. "You wanna meet up by the lake later?"

He smiles and rights down something on a piece of parchment.

"Duh, after dark arts?" He asks. You nod and he writes it down. "Got it."

Shape enters the room and soon class begins.

"Hello boys and girls unfortunately I have to teach you all for another year so turn to page 892 in your text books and begin reading." He says. They open their books and start to read.

George was humming a song as he read and she couldn't help but smile. She looks over at him and gets lost in watching her best friend. He looks over as she was watching him and smiles.

"Ready to start?" He asks. She blinks and looks back down at her book.

"Um yeah let's start."

George gets up and grabs the ingredients for the potion and brings them back to the table.

"Let's go."

After class Roxanne and the twins head to their next class. Fred held her hand the entire way and would occasionally kiss her on the cheek.

George looked down each time with a frown but the girl didn't think anything of it. Finally the three reach defense against the dark arts. Roxanne splits off with the other Slytherin students and starts to chat with her friends.

After class Fred had arranged a study date for the two of them on Saturday. She giggles.

"You, studying on a Saturday?" She chuckles. He laughs sarcastically and leans down to kiss her.

"Yes on Saturday. Meet in my dorm at 4:30?" He asks. She smiles weakly.

"It's a date."

The two of them break apart and Roxanne goes to meet George by the lake. She exits the doors and starts to walk over to the tree when she's stopped by her brother.

"Hey Roxie." He calls. She turns around to see he was standing with Crabbe and Goyle. She rolls her eyes but walks over to them anyway.

"What's up?" She asks. Draco looks to his friends and laughs.

"Do you think Potter is gonna win the Triwizard tournament?" He asks. "Heard the next one has something to do with the lake."

She scoffs and holds her book closer to her chest.

"You're so obsessed with Potter why don't you just date him already?" She asks. She pushes her hair to the side and Draco gasps.

"I um I would never." He was shuddering and the girl laughs at her brother and holds out her book.

"Here, take this back to my dorm and don't spy on the girls this time." He takes the book and the girl walks over to George who was sitting on the grass next to the lake, skipping stones. The girl trudges over and pops next to him.

"Hey." She says. He looks at her and smiles.

"Hey. What's wrong?" He asks. The girl shrugs.

"Nothing. What about you I haven't been able to talk to you nearly all day."

George smiles and skips another rock. It only skipped three times.

"Oh you know just going to class, skipping rocks." He says. She chuckles and nudges him.

"Seriously what's up? You've been in a weird mood all day."

She picks up a rock and skips it. It skips six times and George smiles then immediately frowns.

"Do you ever feel like you need to tell someone something? Like it's just so big that you have to get it off your chest but you know that if you do it's going to ruin something else." He says suddenly. Roxanne gasps silently and grips her forearm.

"Yeah, all the time." She says. George leans back on his hands and notices the girl holding her arm.

"Are you okay?" He asks. She looks down and nods.

"Can I tell you something George?" She asks. The boy leans forward again, rest in his elbows on his knees.

"Of course you can tell me anything."

She sighs and let's her hair down before taking off her sweater to reveal her arm to the boy. He gasps and grips in gently in his hand.

"Roxie." He whispers. "Why?"

The girl let's a tear fall from her eye but the boy wipes it away. She sniffles and takes a deep breath.

"It was either me or him, and I couldn't let them do that. He's only fourteen he shouldn't have to deal with this so early." She explains. She hears footsteps and immediately she grabs her sweater and slides it back on. George holds her hand and she smiles weakly.

"I love you Georgie." She whispers. George smiles and kisses the girl's hand just as Ron, Hermione, and Harry walk up to the two.

"Hey Roxie Hermione needs help but she's too stubborn to ask for it." Ron says. Hermione groans.

"I don't need help I just wanted to study with her. She's equally as intelligent and I need to study with someone who isn't a complete bafoon." She says. Roxie laughs and stands up, George following.

"See you later." She kisses George on the cheek and leaves with the three fourth years.

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