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The week seemed to go on forever until finally it had ended and the students got a day off.

All around the grounds you could see students hanging out, practicing quidditch, playing catch, studying.

It was a warm day for November so everyone had decided to take advantage of it.

"Hey uh Malfoy." She turned around to see Cedric standing with a light yellow T-shirt on and a pair of light jeans. She smiles at him. She had known almost everything about the boy but she had never had more than three conversations.

"Hey, Cedric how's it been? With the whole tournament and everything." She asked. He smiles and chuckles happily.

"I'm just glad I made it this far. I mean the dragons and now some egg." He laughs and Roxanne laughs too.

"Yeah Harry has no idea what it is either." She explained. "Not that I talk to Harry that often but I heard from Fred little brother." She looks down at her watch. "Speaking if Fred him and I have a study date."

She goes to leave but turns around.

"By the way are you and Evelyn dating or something?" She asked and Cedric smiles softly and blushes. He clears his throat.

"Erm, no but I wouldn't mind." He says softly. Roxanne smirks.

"Ok, see you Cedric."

The two part ways and the girl makes her way across the field. She walked by everyone with a smile on her face.

"Watch out!"

A flying bludger came rushing toward her, a Hufflepuff third year behind it. The girl ducks slightly and the ball hits the ground right behind her. It leaves a dent in the ground. She smiles and picks it up, handing it the the boy as he landed.

"Dammit." He groans. "Sorry about that I'm bad at this." She hands him the bludger which he gladly takes.

"You're fine, try using the other hand." She says. The boy looks at her weird and she winks. He throws the bludger up with his right hand and swings with his left, hitting it hard enough for it to go across the field. He gasps and looks down at the bat.


He gets back on the broom and goes to grab the bludger. Roxanne watches as he picks it up and zooms back up to play with his friends.

The girl continues her walk until she reaches the massive doorway. She walks in and to her right was the great hall. She took a left and walked up the stairs, counting the steps as she went up.

"You know you really are adorable." She jumped up and almost fell down the stairs. She was caught by a large hand that she would have mistaken for her boyfriend's if she hadn't looked up and saw George's crooked nose. She smiles and steadies herself.

"Why does everyone keep scaring me today?" She asked playfully. The two chuckle and George looks at her hair and suddenly pushes her headband forward.

"It was a little back." He explained. He seemed upset about something but she knew he wouldn't tell her. When he tries to act like nothing was wrong he never opens up.

"Thanks." She says. She goes to walk up the rest of the steps but George stops her. He starts to say something.

"Um, just.. Be careful."

She takes her hand back and scoffs playfully at the boy.

"Since when have you ever been worried about being careful?"

The two chuckled softly and George nods.

"Yeah you're right, sorry." He turns and walks down the steps. Roxanne shrugs and walks the rest of the steps.

"Dammit George made me lose my spot." She grumbled to herself. The hallways were massive and they seemed to go on forever. With every turn she knew that she was getting closer to the Gryffindor tower. She silently counted each step she took from the end of the hallway to the portrait.

The fat lady was sitting in her frame, large arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the girl. Roxanne smiled and rocked on her heels.


"What do you want?"

The lady spat at her. She could have sworn that she felt the breeze pass her. She keeps her smile up as she fixed her posture.

"I have a study date." Roxanne explains. The fat lady huffs and turns away from the blonde.

"Not in this common room, go to the library." She scoffs. The girl slumps and cracks her neck softly.

"You know have I ever told you how good of a singer you are?" She asked the fat lady. She opens one eye and looks down at Roxanne.

"Go on." She says. Roxanne smiles and holds her hands behind her back.

"Oh of course I hear you every day practicing, although you don't need to practice." She watches as the fat lady smiles. She giggles softly and adjusts her robes.

"Really?" She asked, flustered. Roxanne nods and flicks her hair over her shoulder.

"Of course, in fact can you sing me a song right now?"

The fat lady gasps and clears her throat.

"Well I really shouldn't."

Roxanne shakes her head.

"No seriously I insist."

The lady barely let her finish before holding up a wine glass and fluttering her eyelashes.

"Well if you insist."

She goes on with singing an opera song. Her high notes nearly bursting Roxanne's ear drums. But still the girl smiled as the fat lady sang her song.

When over Roxanne applauded and the fat lady bowed.

"How lovely. You're a brilliant singer." She says. The fat lady smiles.

"Oh why thank you. You know what enjoy you're study date."

The door opens up and Roxanne thanks the lady over and over in her best acting voice.

She had been using that since her first year, she just looked different every year so the lady never figured it out.

When she got into the room she smirked.

"What an idiot." She mumbled quietly before heading up the stairs to the boys dorms.

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