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TW⚠ this chapter contains suicidal tendencies and brings up self harm and abuse⚠⚠⚠⚠

Roxanne Malfoy sat in her dorm room, crying with her knees to her chest. The scene from earlier this morning still playing in her head.

The girl walks up to the boys gryffindor room. She out her ear to the door to make sure people were in there.

"Shit Fred."

She heard a moan from the other side of the door and gasped. Without thinking she swung the door open and there the two were.

The girl was straddling the ginger boy on his bed as they made out harshly. He had his hands in her long dark hair as the two leaned down.

Roxanne gasps and she felt her tears rolling down her face. Before the two notice her she leaves, slamming the door behind her.

Rushing down the hallway she heard the door re open.


She didn't turn around instead she just blinks back her tears and keeps walking. There were heavy footsteps behind her as he raced after her.

She felt a hand softly grip her shoulder and she scoffs. She turns around and pushes Fred off her before hurrying down the steps.

"Roxie please-"

She stops in place and turns around harshly.

"No. You don't have the right to call me that anymore. Fred Weasley we are done." She screeched. Heads turned to the couple as they entered the common room.

George watched as the girl ran through the room, his brother closely behind her. He stepped up and stopped Fred before he could leave the room.

The two boys listened as Roxanne's footsteps ran down the hallway and receded until there was silence.

"I think you've done enough." George says to Fred. "I'll help, you go... Finish up."

Roxanne sobs and looks down at the picture in her hand. It was when her and the twins were twelve. The three of them were back in the woods, she was being held up by George as Fred held her legs as they posed in front of a waterfall they had found on a hike.

In the picture the three moved and Fred dropped her legs, causing her to fall. The three laughed and suddenly it froze. She smiled at the memory and put it back on the nightstand.

There was a knock on the door and Roxanne jumps. She looks in a small mirror and noticed her appearance. Her eyes were red and puffy and mascara streamed down her face. She wiped it away slightly.

"One second." She shouts through the door. Instead the door opens and George Weasley walks in. She scoffs and turns to him. "I said hold on."

George shrugs as the girl rid the mascara of her cheeks. He sits on her bed.

"I don't like when people see me vulnerable." She says quietly. "Even you George and you know that so go away."

George shakes his head.

"I'm not leaving, it's okay to be vulnerable, it's okay to have emotions Roxie." He says. He stands up to hug the girl but she pushes away from him.

"No it's not, not when you're me. I'm not allowed to have emotions or feelings. It was stupid of me to think I ever could have anything good in my life." She spits at the boy.

George felt his heart drop at her words. He knew what her past was like. How her father would yell and lose his temper at the smallest things. Her and her brother would often get threats of abandonment. All her life she was told nothing good comes from a girl who runs her mouth, and she would believe him.

That was until she met him and the rest of his family. He still remembered the first time they brought her to the burrow, her eyes were genuinely happy for the first time. The same eyes that we're now dark and sad. She was ecstatic to finally feel some type of love. She still wore the sweater she got for Christmas all those years ago.

And now here she was, right at the beginning. She sat in front of him, crying. He knew he shouldn't touch her so instead he began to spoke.

"Roxie, I know you think that you don't deserve happiness but you do. I've been your best friend for almost seven years now and I've seen you grow so much. Not just in your hair or your height but everything about you. You've helped me through so much despite everything you went through yourself. Fred isn't the only boy ever, in fact he's a dick for that. You will find someone better. Remember family isn't always blood." He said it fast yet Roxanne understood everything he said. She smiled the first genuine smile all day and looked at him.

"Thanks." She tried to smile wider but soon it was replaced with another frown. George had always known how to make her feel better, and now she doubted if she could still be friends with him.

"Now, I'm gonna go get comfort food and tell Harry to cover our classes for us were not leaving until you're better."

Roxanne let's her shoulders slump, another thing she would never do. She nods and looks at her best friend as he held out his hands. She takes them and noticed how large they were compared to her small ones. His were rough from years of quidditch. He ran a thumb over the back over her hand.

"Are you gonna be okay for a little bit?" He asks. Roxanne nods and George stands up. "Good I'll be right back."

In a second the boy had left the room and Roxanne was alone once again.

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