Hotter Than Hell

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        I was warm. No, I was hot. I was on fire. What the hell?

        I groaned as I sat up slowly. Well, tried to sit up slowly. Something, no, someone, was on top of me. I pushed a little but the massive body wouldn't budge. "Jesus, Christian,"  I hissed, shoving a little more. He mumbled in response. "Honey, you're suffocating me." He huffed and fell back to sleep. I growled in frustration. "If you don't get up I am going to scream." He huffed once more. "I tried to warn you..." I took in a shallow breath and screamed as loud as I could with his weight on my body.

        He jumped out of bed, immediately grabbing me with a growl, and cradled me in his chest. "Christian," I wheezed. He growled lowly as he looked around the room. His hair was tangled and he'd let the shadow of a beard rest on his skin. How long had he been growing that. "Christian it's okay. No danger; I'm fine. I touched his face and smile. He gazed down at me with dark eyes and elongated canines.

        "The scream-"

        "Was from me, you were on top of me and i couldn't breathe." I rolled my eyes.

        "Why couldn't you just wake me up and ask me to move,Etty." His grip on me tightened and his face was closer to mine. I took in a deep breath and tried to gather my thoughts as his hot breath fanned over my skin.

        "I, um," I stuttered.

        "Etty," he growled softly.

        "I, um," I rasped out as my mouth became dry. He carried me back to the bed and sat me in his lap. His hand slipped to the back of my neck as he pulled my lips to his fiercely.I moaned softly against his lips and he growled back. He bit my bottom lip softly and I eagerly allowed entrance of his tongue. Our tongues battled for a short amount of time before he pulled away.

        "Next time, just slap me or something." He huffed out. His eyes were closed and I touched his face just before he opened them. His eyes shone a bright blue with darkness lurking in small amounts around his glowing irises. He was fighting his wolf.

        "Christian," I breathed. I leaned forward and caught his lips with mine. He growled as his, now black, eyes fluttered closed and he flipped me under him. A soft gasp escaped my lips. He kissed his way to his mark and then suckled gently on the tender skin. A moan escaped my lips as I arched myself closer to him.

        "OH MY GOD!" Christian jumped off the bed and stood in front of me. A loud growl passed through his lips. I peaked around him to see a red-faced Sylvia glaring at my mate. "What on Earth is going on here?!" She exclaimed. Christian sat back on the bed with a brooding huff and pointed at me, turning away from the both of us so that he could regain his control.

        "Oh, um, Christian,  um, fell asleep on top of me and wouldn't wake up so I, um, screamed." I squeaked out, my face turning a deep red.

        "Good Lord," She huffed and ran her hand over her face. "You scared the daylights out of me, child." She shook her head. "Hearing you scream, and then coming in here to find this boy attached to you like a leech, I thought something terrible had happened to you." She sighed and glared at me and Christian, who still had his back turned. "Next time just slap him." She glared and left the room mumbling.

        "Sorry Sylvia!" I called out and then closed the door. I leaned against it and gazed at Christian's back. "Christian," I breathed and he tensed looking over at me. His eyes were still black.

        "Come here, Etlena." He growled softly, but authoritatively. I padded over to him silently and sat across from him. He pulled me into his arms and his his mark. I shivered in anticipation. "Next time," he growled. "I willmake you mine."  

        A small gasp escaped my lips, making him chuckle, before pecking me on the lips. A smile spread over my lips and he kissed me softly. "Let's get back to bed. We have school in four hours." He whispered as he kissed my forehead. I groaned loudly and he laughed wrapping us in a blanket as he laid us down,


I know I know. Short chapter. But, it is officially 6:37 in the morning in West Virginia and I am exhausted. So, I kinda thought this chapter was really cute. Don't hate. Cause it was and you know it. Anyway I might write more when I wake up again. Also, this is dedicated to fireisme1, because she is the only person I actually know that reads my book. So, thanks babe. ALRIGHT! LATERS BITCHES!

The Ice Queen: A Mermaid Romanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن