I Am The Ice Queen.

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I awoke with a scream as my nightmare rocked through my body. I looked down to my pale arms and saw strands of crystals lining my fingers and wrists. Air bubbles, frozen from the moment they left my lips, floated around the room as if they were crystal ornaments that had been dropped into the water. I dove from my bed and caught one before it could float out the window of my bedroom. I crushed it in my hand and stared down at the pieces angrily.

"Why can't I once wake to a room filled with warmth and not ice?" I yelled as I threw the shards towards my window, waving my hand and creating a solid glass door where the gaping hole once was.

A knock sounded on my door before revealing my nanny, Sylvia. Sylvia has been like a mother to me. At the age of seven my parents were taken by the sea witch, my powers became known to me, and I became queen of the mermaid kingdom, Pelagia.

Sylvia was the only one who did not run. With no place to go, the servants of the kingdom stayed, but avoided my presence.

I looked to Sylvia, her hair was long and green, her eyes were a strange yellow that held a kindness that could make a troll smile, her cheekbones high, and her lips plump and forever smiling. I looked at her tail, her scales were green lined with yellow and always so glossy. Her waist was slender. Today she was wearing a dark green shell top with a little yellow flower in the middle. This woman was always beautiful. More than 200 years old and not a line of age.

"I heard you yelling, are you alright?" She spoke with concern.

"Yes..." I breathed, wiping crystals from my eyes. "I dreamt of them again..."

Her smile was sad as she looked around my crystallized bedroom. " That would explain the ice." She wrapped me in her arms. She was the only one who could touch my skin and not flinch from the cold, and the only one who I could stand to allow to touch me. "What was it you saw of them this time?" She asked, smiling.

"They told me that this new school will create an awakening within me. I'm not exactly sure what it means, but it frightens me." I said, nudging her away as ice laced around my finger tips.

She grinned. "Do you think they are telling you that you will find your mate?"

I flinched and glared at her. "You know that it wouldn't matter. I can't risk letting my feelings get the best of me."

She sighed. "You never know, maybe he can be the one that helps you control your powers." I gazed at her with shock, my mouth hanging open. What if my mate is the key to completely controlling my powers? Over the years I have learned how to control some of my powers, but once my emotions become too strong, as do my powers. At twelve years old I blacked out and awoke in a blanket of snow, crystals piercing through the kelp salad in front of me, and Sylvia staring at me in shock with ice glittering through her hair. It was the moment we both realized that I could never let my emotions get the best of me especially over what I can and cannot eat. Twelve was such a complicated age.

"Well time to get your things together for your first day of school. Head to land and get dressed. I'll join you with breakfast." She chirped then swam out of the bedroom. I sighed and left through my crystallized bedroom door and out one of the hall windows.

I swam to the surface, my head bobbing in the waves as I searched for any sailors. Once I decided the coast was clear I swam to land. The moment my hands touched the sand I felt the burning of my tail. I watched at the purple tips of my tail burned away to reveal toes. I clenched my fist as the burning spread up my silver tail turning to legs. It has been a long time.

Once inside our coastside home I shivered, not used to the chill of having human toes. I wobbled a little in my steps and anyone that wasn't of my species would have thought I were a drunken, naked woman. I ran to my room. The walls of my room were purple trimmed with silver. My bed held a silver canopy with four purple bed posts and my head board an intricate sea themed designed etched with a merman and woman in the shape of a heart. I rolled my eyes. Sylvia had insisted on the design thinking I would develop some sort of longing to find my mate.

Even if by some chance I did find my mate, he'd run the moment he saw me. The moment he knew that I was the ice queen. I gazed into the mirror at my vanity chair and saw a tint of sadness in my violet colored eyes. I am the ice queen and I am forever meant to be alone.

The Ice Queen: A Mermaid RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now