Awakening and Wishing I'd Stayed Asleep.

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I could faintly hear the sound of feet shuffling across the floor. Pacing. I'd been aggravated by the sound of a heart monitor beeping, which had caused me to wake. My eyes remained closed as the memories of what had happened rocked through my body once more. The heart monitor beeped a bit faster and I felt ice begin to trail up my fingers. The shuffling stopped and I suddenly felt someone grasp my hand. The were warm and the tingles in my fingers caused the ice to melt.

My eyes shot open and I sat upright swiftly. I was immediately dizzy and my head ached. I fell back against the pillows with a gasp. A low growl erupted next to me and I looked over weakly. My heart began to beat faster.

In front of me was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes one. As I looked him over twice my eyes began to glow. He had crazy hair that had several shades of brown in it. His nose was long and slender, his jaw was squared and clenched, his eyes were bright blue, and his lips were plump and a pale rose color. I looked down further. He had broad shoulders that lead to muscular arms, his fingers were long and thick. His chest was pushed out due to his rigid posture and his muscles visible beneath his tight black v neck shirt. A bit of chest hair was visible at the bottom of his shirt collar.

His eyes were dark with appreciation as he gazed at me. "Wh-who are you?" I whispered as I broke from my daze.

He growled. "I am your mate." His voice was low and threatening. The monitor began to beep frantically.

"I meant, what is your name?" My hands shook and he glanced at them before wrapping his large hands around them.

"Christian, you can call me Chris." His eyes softened as he gazed at me. "Chris Hayes. " My eyes widened. I had heard that name before.

"What is your name?" His voice was husky.

"U-um, my name is, um....Etlena Knight." I'm stuttering? This has never happened before.

"Etlena." He sighed dreamily. The sound of my name on his lips cause me to shiver. He noticed and smirked at me. My heart stopped for a moment before beating faster.

Suddenly, the door burst open revealing a flustered Sylvia. Her face was bright red and she breathed as if she'd been fighting. Christian growled and stood from his chair pulling me into his arms. His touch caused my body to heat and I gasped. Sylvia looked at him with shock and then to me with questioning eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" Christian snarled. I gasped and glared at him.

Sylvia put her hands on her hips and glared at him. " I am her nanny you mutt. Now back off." She stepped forward and he growled again. Ice shot up my arm and I slapped his chest in anger. His eyes flicked to me and he looked confused and his eyes went from a glowing blue to their normal hue of light blue.

"Put me down. Now!" My voice filled with authority and he smirked at me amused. He set me down gently but pulled me close by the waist. His eyes turned black as he stared at me. I could tell his wolf was now in control and ice began to travel up our bodies. He growled lowly and pressed his body against mine. I shivered.

"It is not a very good idea to order me, little lamb." He tilted forward and nuzzled into my hair, inhaling deeply.

"Please.." I whispered as my hair began to stiffen. He growled softly and pulled me closer causing the ice to melt completely away.

I faintly heard Sylvia gasp as my head bobbed to the side my eyelids became heavy and my body went limp. "He's your.." I didn't hear the rest as I had fallen into darkness once more.

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