31: steady your aim

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— Old Continent, June 17th, 2039 - 11 years before —

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— Old Continent, June 17th, 2039 - 11 years before —

— Rafa —

Rafa followed Toni's steps.

Like him, she tried to keep close to the shadows and away from the large, white slices of moonlight that seemed stronger than any synthetic light could be. The walls around them were covered with vines and some weirdly-shaped foliage that smelled like chemicals and death, while the floor of the abandoned fabric had large, dark stains that looked like blood. Rafa sucked air through her clenched teeth and leaned forward to whisper to Toni,

"Are you sure this is the place? It seems to be deserted." One of the vines moved and tried to circle around Rafa's ankle, but she kicked it away. "And dangerous."

Toni smiled, half-turning to peek at her over his shoulder. He was taller and stronger at the time and standing in his shadow like that used to make Rafa feel safe. Lately, though, with her powers increasing and getting out of control, she was always in a constant state of fear and anxiety that no one seemed to understand.

No one except Toni, that is.

"My da said this is the last place our agent checked in." Toni turned around and studied his surroundings. He narrowed his eyes, pulling a motion detector screen from his belt. Nothing.

"Right." She tucked a finger into her collar and tugged at it. Was it just her imagination or was that thing really tight?

"She might be in danger, so we need to be quick, Birdie."

"Yeah, yeah. I know."

Toni turned to face her. Without a word, he smiled and wrapped her in a tight, warm hug that was better than any encouragement could be. Toni smelled like fresh flowers, burning cinnamon, and aftershave.

"I'm here with you," he whispered. "You have nothing to be afraid of, all right?" He was always warm, always attentive, always there for her.

Much more than Rob, that's for sure. Rafa hugged Toni back and let out a sigh of relief that made the longer half of his bangs dance. He took a step back and shuffled her hair.

"Thanks, Toni." Rafa took a deep breath. While exhaling, she finally managed to relax her shoulders.

He winked. "It's nothing, Birdie. Back to work, all right?"

"Yes, boss."

A voice rang in her comms. "Bear to team Alpha. Cicinnurus, Gunslinger, do you copy?"

"We're here, Bear," Toni said. "What's wrong?"

Rafa smiled when she noticed the slight flush in Toni's cheeks. Rob's voice always made that to him, no matter how focused Toni was in his missions.

"Sapphi and I are seeing movement in the third quadrant," Rob said. "Asking permission to move team Bravo closer."

"Denied. Keep position, Bravo."

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