Chapter 15

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Prompt from @LadyDia (ao3 user): Loki follows her invisibly to lunch. She tries really hard to ignore him, but he's Loki. This may make her new co-workers wary of her. 

And also @inlovewithmarvel (ao3 user): After lunch Y/N gets assigned to her first mission being back, Loki helps calm her anxiety about it, and we get a glimpse at what her powers are and her using them. 

A/N: I took like half of each of these prompts and mushed them together I guess? I hope you enjoy, please leave more prompts and thank you to everyone who has been sending them in! I have lots queued so if you haven't seen yours yet keep an eye out <3


"I should go. They want to have lunch with me."

You've managed to get your new computer set up, and Loki has done a half decent job of arranging your things about your office.

"I'll come too." he replies casually. You stop short, and look up at him in confusion. He has a deceivingly innocent look on his face.

"Please don't." you say in exasperation.

"Why ever not?" he asks.


Someone walks past your door and you fall silent, watching them until they're out of sight.

"I have nothing better to do." Loki tells you before you can open your mouth again, as though that settles the matter.


"Hey. You ready to go?"

Agent Jackson is stood in the doorway. You have no idea how she got there so quickly, or silently. If she didn't think you were mental before, she definitely does now.

"Yeah." you reply hastily, standing up and grabbing your jacket and bag. You shoot Loki a pleading look as you leave, but that does nothing to stop him from following you, invisibly to everyone but you, from your office.


Lunch turns out to actually not be the disaster you'd expected. You meet numerous new people, all of whom are very nice, but none of whose names you can recall on the spot.

The break room is quite a lot bigger than your old one downstairs, and there are at least thirty more offices up here. The department is huge.

Loki, thankfully, doesn't bother you all that much, seeming quite content to walk around tripping people up and moving their things while they aren't looking. You catch yourself accidentally smiling at him more than once.

"Hey, are you okay?" Agent Jackson (Amber, she'd told you to call her) asks you on one of these occasions. She looks slightly concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." you smile, cursing yourself. You've created a weird reputation for yourself already and you haven't even been here a whole day.

When you're quite sure no one's looking, you glare at Loki to try and signal for him to leave, but he just frowns and tilts his head as though he doesn't understand and knocks someone's drink over.

You fight back a laugh and turn away.

Half an hour later you've survived lunch and are sat back in your office with the door firmly shut. This does nothing to deter Loki from following you.

"Did you have fun?" you sigh, sitting down behind your desk.

"More fun than I would have had in the cell." he replies.

"When are they going to let you out? They know you can leave." you muse, frowning as you turn your computer on.

He sighs.

"I don't know."

A red notification appears on your computer. You swear you feel your blood turn ice cold.

"What?" Loki asks sharply, apparently having discerned your drastic change in emotion from across the room.

The notification reads Assignment.

You haven't seen one of those since your very last mission.


It occurs to you that you haven't heard him say your name out loud yet. You look up at him briefly, before blinking and shaking your head slightly.

"I've... been assigned a mission. Already." you tell him.


You sit in silence for a while, you in shock, Loki at a complete loss as to what he should be saying.

A knock on your door breaks the silence, and then Fury enters your office.

"Agent Y/L/N." he greets you. You feel sick.

"I thought it would be better to get you straight back in the field. Get the first one done with and then it'll be easier." he says, looking at you sternly. You must look awful if he's correctly guessed that you're feeling nervous.

"Okay." you manage, and he nods curtly. Then you realise that Loki is still stood in the room and look at him in horror, before quickly looking back at Fury, trying to look nonchalant.

You really couldn't have looked more conspicuous if you'd tried. Loki rolls his eyes dramatically as Fury turns to where he's stood.

Obviously he can't see him. Why didn't you use your brain?

"He's in here, isn't he?"

Even Loki looks a bit put out at that.

"...Who?" you ask, doing your utmost to look confused. Fury sighs.

"Show yourself, Loki."

To your immense surprise, Loki obeys him. You gape at him, but he doesn't look at you, looking coolly back at Fury.

"Get back to your cell."

A muscle goes in Loki's jaw and his eyes flash for a second, and then he disappears.

"How'd you get him to listen to you like that?" you ask in disbelief.

"You want to be more careful. If you get caught you're going to find yourself in a whole load of trouble which I might not be able to get you out of." Fury tells you, ignoring your question.

"I thought you wanted us seen together?" you retort.

"Yes, eventually." Fury replies, "But not yet."

"When are you letting him out of his cell?" you ask. Fury hesitates for a moment before replying.

"Today. But don't go shouting that around. It's not common knowledge."

"Oh. Good." you say.

"There's a room for you upstairs too, when you're ready for it." Fury tells you.

"I don't want-"

"I know." he says, already beginning to leave the room.

"Read your assignment. And good luck. I'll see you in a few days."

You watch him as he leaves the room before clicking on the red notification, your heart in your mouth. 

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