Frederick's life 3

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There were murmurs as Louis was sorted into Gryffindor. Fred ignored them and sat in the table.

'Honestly, what's so weird about a Weasley being in Gryffindor... What's this about anyway' One of the students thought.

"JUST GET ON TO WHAT HAPPENED ALREADY!" Roxanne yelled and the scene changed.

Teddy is walking around the hall and suddenly he saw Victoire pushing away  her boyfriend and his boyfriend harassing her and putting a hand on her private part.
    "NOO!!! L-LET GO OF ME! I TOLD YOU LET'S BREAK U--HMMMKH!" He forced Victoire to kiss him.

Many girls and boys look sick, some teachers look livid.

Then Teddy started growling... the scene moved on to a full moon. Then a shadow of a man turning into a werewolf.

Remus turned pale, he knew it..

The boyfriend stopped, Vic took that as an opportunity and kicked his d*ck and run away. Not seeing the werewolf.

Normally many will be angry at the wolf and but now... the are cheering for the hideous werewolf.

"Wait, it's full moon why isn't at least locking himself up? And he doesn't look anxious at the moon or something?" Hermione asked

Then Teddy started walking to the boy who look frightened and screamed. The scene turned to Fred as he walk to the direction. Fred took one of the knights sword as he saw the werewolf about to attack the boy. Fred ran towards the werewolf.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" George yelled in disbelief. Angelina look pale and her mouth is wide open.

Fred II awkwardly laughed, "I think that is why the sorting hat put me in Gryffindor. There, my body just moved on its own"

Then Fred sliced Teddy's arm, the werewolf scream in agony. Fred then sliced the chest, Teddy is about to attack but saw Fred and Vic running back after hearing a werewolf. Teddy started turning back into his form

"Wait is full moon! That is illogical!" Hermione yelled in frustration.

Remus couldn't help but glare at 11 years old Fred II

Fred dropped his sword in horror as he Teddy drop to the floor, bloodied. "TEDDY!"
   Then Headmistress McGonagall and Professor Longbottom are running towards then screamed "MR. LUPIN!"
The boy, holding his d*ck glared at Teddy as he slowly walk away. Vic punched him, "THAT IS FOR YOU GLARING AT TEDDY!"
   Then Vic kicked him again, making the boy fall again
   "Ms. Weasley--" Professor Longbottom is about to say something but
    Vic kicked him again and again.

"Who should I be worried, the boy or the girl?" James asked

"The girl she's been imperius and attempt rape!" Lily yelled

"Victoire must've escape the Imperius curse like you Harry" Ron said in amazement and relief that his niece is okay and beating the sh*t out of her ex.

Then the scene changed to Teddy being hospitalised with Fred, Vic and Professor Longbottom.
  "Tell me, what happened to Teddy for him to trigger his werewolf side? I seen it before in my auror days with the guys. At full moon when Teddy is angry he get in his formation. But whenever he look at someone he care about he changed."

"Why is that--"

"His a metamorphagus, naturally at our time its discovered that when werewolfs have a kid they don't have wolfish traits. But being a metamorphagus have done something in his DNA." Fred II replied.

"So Remus married a metamorphagus" Sirius asked giving Remus a teasing look.

"Wait... so you can't pass it?" Remus asked ignoring his friend

"No.. no one gave a try anyway so no one knew until 2000" Fred said

"I saw Vic being forcefully kissed by that bastard. Everything went blank until I saw Ed and Vic." Teddy said and the three looked at him shocked.
"TEDDY!" Vic yelled and hugged him happily.
  "Good Evening" he said
  "I'm sorry, the large cut I made in your arms and chest would leave mark until 5 years--"
   "Fred... look at me" Fred slowly looked up and saw the  scar gone.

"Metamorphagus, you don't have to be guilty. C'mere kid" Teddy said and hugged him
   "Thank you..." Teddy continued.

Fred started crying into Teddy's shoulded chanting sorry. Vic and Teddy rubbed his back

'Doesn't mean his not a child' George voice is heard and Teddy smiled

"So where is that bastard?"

"Well his in the Headmistress office, Bill is being held by George and Harry to not have a murdered teenager here at Hogwarts. They'll come eventually." Professor Longbottom said sweetly.

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