Next Gen. part 2

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"James Potter II, in gryffindor first son of Harry Potter and Ginerva Weasley" He grinned and sat down. Harry went red, Ron heard mumbling "Well that is better than someone else I suppose"

One of James II friends stud "Carlos Warbeck, Hufflepuff. Same age as Jamie--or James II"  He said and gave a sweet smile before sitting. James II other friends Juaquin Josse from Ravenclaw and Quaiver Yaxley from Slytherin.

A curly Red haired girl with blue eyes. Harry remembered, "My name is Rose Weasley, daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger" She said brightly

A girl with wavy black hair and almond eyes he don't know stud. "My name is Pepper Parkinson, Slytherin same age as Rose" Harry's eyes widen.

"Wha--?" Lavender Brown has to cover her mouth in shock. The girls Pansy Parkinsons age examined the girl, she's like the pretty version of her mother.

She doesn't have pug-face and the only similarities are the chin, mouth and hair. "Love potion?" Parvati Patil asked whispered, Lavander and Hermione--- yes Hermione-- giggled loudly at the possibility.

A carbon copy of Harry nervously stud up and smiled awkwardly, Harry felt like looking at a mirror. Is this how his dad felt when he saw him?

"Er--My name is Albus Potter II and I'm in Gryffindor same year as Rose and Peps" Harry looked at Ginny who is still busy blushing and staring at the future kids with awe.

Another one stand, Harry recognised him by his blonde hair and some similar looks. "My name is Scorpius Malfoy, proudly a Gryffindor--- don't look at me like that I didn't chose to be one-- anyway, I'm the first Malfoy to ever be in Gryffindor."

Harry looked at the Slytherins, Malfoy look rather dissapointed, Parkinson and Zabini look like they swallowed a lemon. Crabbe and Goyle look surprise and smiled when Scorpius smiled at them.

A tall curly brown haired boy stud. "My name is Hugo Weasley, son of Ronald Weasley and Herimone Granger. I am first year Gryffindor and I honestly don't want to be here."

Fred II rolled his eyes "You don't have a choice buddy "

Hugo scoffed as he sat, a red haired girl stud and Harry smiled. " Hi! I'm Lily Potter II, my dad is Harry Potter and my mom is Ginny Po-- Weasley! Woah, all of--"

"Lily.. focus" Hugo said and Lily II conposed herself and coughed "I'm the same age as Hugo, Gryffindor nice to meet you all!" Many cooed and Ginny squealed.

A wavy brown haired girl, pale skin and gray eyes stud and smiled. "My name is Virgarra Malfoy, Slytherin first year. Me and my brothers parents are Draco Malfoy and.." she purposely paused and many leaned over.

Almost all in Draco's year thought the future Mrs. Malfoy is Pansy Parkinson. They seem to be a match made in Hell, perfect. But since it's not the case here, all of them don't know.

"Astoria Greengrass" She replied and sat down. "I-I'm sorry, what?" a voice demanded and many looked over the girl.

She's pretty, wavy brown hair like Virgarra, tuquoise blue eyes and healthy midium skin tone Scorpius have.

"She's the same year as me, quiet but the smartest one in our year. She's tolerable unlike the others, why did she marry him" one of Ginny's friend whispered explaining the situation.

"Oh right, she's quite popular now that I remembered." Dean Thomas said.

"Her and Ginny's popularity had quite of a rivalry. But since she's a Slytherin, Ginny wins the most popular." One of Ginny's friends said looking at Harry.

"Hey! It's not like that she's also popular!" Ginny whispered flustered.

Draco... currently don't know what to feel right now. He like everyone else thought he'll marry Pansy. He felt Daphne Greengrass cold stare and shivered, Pansy look like she's near crying so he didn't look at them.

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