love me too

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Recommend by someone online-going by the name of Lily.
Ship: dreamnotfound/dreamnotnap (dream,George and sapnap ship)
•Ship:Mostly dnf, with mentions of dreamnotnap.
•self harm described
•suicide mention
•angst (couple paragraphs near the end with some fluff ig)
If you see anything else i should add as warnings, please let me know. :)

The dream team, also commonly known as Dream, George and Sapnap all live together-with the known online information that dream and George are dating. Everyone on who shipped dnf beforehand were taken aback by this sudden information, though they did highly expect it, from how they always usually flirted. Though, they missed out a minor detail, that being sapnap. After all the continuous flirting, and back handed compliments from george to dream, followed by the news that they were actually together, sapnap was nothing but forgotten. Both in the social media fan side of things, and in their house-making him feel even more alone. This had been going on for what seemed like an eternity, though it had only been about 2 months, since the news spread, to practically every platform possible. Yes, this hurt sapnap, but he had to cope in different ways, as to not ruin their relationship, though he liked them, in a different way than what may be thought. He loved them, you could say..constantly, he thought about a polyamorous relationship between them 3, only to realise that it wouldn't work out, and that dream and George only deserve each other, not sapnap too. Though, dream and George both also kept secrets.

Sapnap had quit streaming, and hadn't been uploading to YouTube for a while, though he was still reasonably active of other platforms, one in particular being twitter. Twitter is the place where everything happens; things get trended, it dies down, trended again, cancelled. But, he wasn't on Twitter for the drama on which usually occurs, he was there to scroll through messages, and tweets from dream, george, and look at fanart including them. Obviously, nobody knew he did that, as he never was able to get himself to like the tweets, knowing that everyone following him can see his likes. If he was to heart/like one of dreamnotnap, dreamnap, or georgenap, sapnaps secrets would be out, and he would be over. Its something he couldn't do, even if that meant never seeing that particular fanart again. Obviously, he liked the tweets between dream and george though-crying, knowing they'd never be the same again, now that they are the two dating, and hes left out. So much for the 'dream team'. More like 'dream and George'...

(Night time/late at night)

It was what dream and george considered as late, though for sapnap, the night had hardly even started. To be fair though, he rarely gets sleep, meaning he often finds it difficult to identify what late and early actually means. Dream and George were sleeping in the same bed, usual, already fast asleep, with no stirring, most likely cuddled up. Though there sapnap was, with his door locked, about to do what he does as coping.

He grabbed a blade, or rather, a razor, on which he keeps hidden away in the bottom of one of his draws, which contains other random stuff. He lifted his sleeve of his hood up, and carefully mesmerized what work he had previously done, just from a few slits, up and down. He sat there for a while, looking down at his hard work, though not knowing if he should be happy in himself, as its a coping mechanism, or disappointed in himself, as he should probably tell someone how he feels.

Sapnaps pov;
Is this good, what I'm doing? Is this what they will all want from me? I bet it is. Cuts, endless amounts of them, beautiful work. I should become an artist..a different type of artist, maybe thats what my career should be before i pass away by this here razor. No, will not kill yourself now, its too soon. You haven't lost enough blood yet from just the cuts, you will most likely survive after, then get questioned. Is this a bad thing I'm doing? Should i tell someone? Should i not tell someone? Should i keep it to myself?

Sapnaps thoughts drifted away, making him sit plainly in one spot for around a minute, a razor in his hand, with his arm out of hoods sleeve. He snapped back into reality not soon after, realising he was still exactly where he left off, and nothing would change that fact. He was still staring at his arm, so placed a few new, fresh cuts on there, befor rolling his sleeve back down. He stood up, and put the razor back into the draw, piling anything he could on top of it, so it would be near impossible to find, especially in a pile of complete junk.

He carefully made his way towards the window, as he wanted to be as quiet as possible, considering only a few minutes had passed, meaning both dream and George were still asleep in their room, on which is next door. Sapnap isn't one for being tidy, nor has he ever been-when he has used something, he either chucks it on the floor, or in a random drawer, which is why theres clothes over the floor, as well as some empty water bottles and other stuff hes recently used. This habit isnt good for when its late at night though, especially when he doesn't sleep, meaning he moves about. Its always reasonably loud, wherever he moves due to the stuff constantly piling on the floor, and the loud floorboards.

*sapnap steps on a water bottle, on which is located on the floor below him*

Sapnaps pov;
"Fuck.." They probably heard that, if they didn't, its a is quite a deep sleeper, i don't think george is though. At least they both get sleep..if i was together, with them, we could cuddle..then i may actually sleep.

Sapnaps thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door, as he had originally locked it like usual, though forgot he had.

"Come in.." sapnap said under his breath, not completely aware if it was just one of them, or both.

"The doors locked, idiot. If we could come in we would've." Dream said

Sapnaps pov:
'We' its dream and George.

"You going to come and open the door, or what? Hurry up, we want to go back to sleep." Dream said, still waiting for a response.

"Yeah..yeah, I'm coming"

It was silent for the most part, before sapnap had opened the door entirely, giving them full access to just walk in.

"Damn, your rooms a mess. So are you" george says, giving of a small chuckle at the end

"Uh..yeah" sapnaps response was worrying, seeing as though he would usually make a comeback.

"You alright? You clearly haven't slept." George says, edging to dream, and holding his hand, going against his chest.

"Sapnap, come here." Dream says suddenly, making sapnap edge forward towards him.


"Your eye bags..they are awful. Why have you not been sleeping correctly?"

"Uh..just cant."

"Want a hug?"

Sapnap nods, and goes towards both George and dream, and gives them a hug, on which seems to last forever. Sapnaps feeling of affection is touch, but he rarely gets it, due to dream and george slowly edging away from him, due to dating. The touch that was given to him, made him tear up slightly, but blush at the same time-due to never have been that close to them in a while. Sapnap dug his head into dreams chest, and continued hugging him, before he was the first to pull away.

"Ok, me an George will get going now..?" Dream says with an alarming tone, looking down at the floor below him.


"George, look down. Does that look like blood to you?"

"Yeah, looks fresh as well."

"Nono, George. You know what that means right? Its sapnaps room, and there's blood on the floor, and he rarely goes out."

"Uhh...wait what."

"Sapnap. What do you have to say about this? Show us. Your secret isn't so secretive anymore."

"Uhh..i- but.."

"Nope. Come over here now, role up your sleeves"

Sapnap obeyed dreams order, and rolled up his sleeves, revealing cuts, new, and old.


(The end)

The ending was a bit rushed ig, but i hope you enjoy. :)


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