"a new Michael"

453 13 16

I thought of this at 3am on a Tuesday, and then wrote it at a later date. If anyone has done something like this before, please tell me so I can credit them. :) ♡

This is like 4000 words :D

-potentially graphic explanations
-Use of Tubbo+Ranboos Canonical relationship (platonic/romantic), on the dsmp
-incorrect information about enderwalking (I don't re-read lmao)
-Most likely spelling mistakes (sorry:( )
-caps (capital letters; to emphasise anger/sadness)
-Everything in this is fully platonic

If theres anymore warnings in general, please let me know!

(just pretend that everyone on the dsmp are all friends in this au/theres no wars, ect anymore.) ♡

It was late at night, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Michael all being together, in the same household. What they didn't know, is that this was about to be one of the most difficult, heartbreaking moments of their life, in just about..5 minutes.

Ranboo had stopped responding to Tubbos..questionable conversation starters, but he thought nothing of it; he thought that it was just making him uncomfortable, and so he stopped. Instead, he put his attention to michael, despite him being fast asleep, holding/cuddling with a benson plushie.
Ranboo was still, completely still, not even moving an inch; it was as though he was a statue, and had been cemented into place, as a peice of treasure to behold for future times.
His eyes started to twitch ever so slightly, and his pupils started to move about at a dramatically fast pace; doing what seemed to be 360° turns every so often. Tubbo did infact notice this strange behaviour.

"Ranboo? You okay?" Tubbo asked, not necessarily having a clue what was going on..but suspected it was some sort of prank, to make him seem like he was possessed or something.

Ranboos head tilted to the side, and turned to look at Tubbo. They made direct eye contact, which is when Tubbo realised the lack of emotion in Ranboos eyes particularly, it looked like he had been put into shock by something unknown. Also..they were purple..? Hm..strange. They are usually red, and green.

"Uh- you alright there, Ranboo? If you need someone to talk to, I'm right here..?" Tubbo was starting to question what had happend, as everything was completely normal not too long ago.
It was as if he had been taken to a lifetime that only he could see, and figured out something from the future..but that was impossible, so the idea quickly went out of Tubbos head.

Ranboo stood up, and pointed at michael.

"Yep..that's our son, Michael!.." Tubbo said, with an unsure tone in his voice, also standing up, and stepping backwards.

"⌇☊⏃⍀⟒⎅ ⍜⎎ ⏁⊑⟒ ⋔⟒⋔⍜⍀⟟⟒⌇..☊⏃⋏'⏁ ⏃⎎⎎⍜⍀⎅ ⏁⍜ ☍⟒⟒⌿ ⊑⟟⋔ ⏃⌰⟟⎐⟒"
(Translation: Scared of the memories..can't afford to keep him alive)

"What? What did you say..what do you mean? You're scaring me, Ranboo. Stop, please." Tubbo practically begged.

Ranboo swiftly turned his head, and in the corner of his eye spotted a sword; it was only an iron one, but it would do the job. The motion wouldn't be flawless, but it would be..good enough, satisfactory, to say the least.
He walked over to it, not saying a word to Tubbo, despite him in the background, trying desperately to get Ranboo to talk to him.

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