selective mutism

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This is a request by Ckippy01, thank you, and sorry it took so long, I honestly forgot that this was due. <3 I changed the request up slightly just because of my writing preference, but I hope it's still alright! I guess it's more of a backstory, rather than a centred sleepy bois oneshot..but hopefully that's still alright.
Check them out, they are very cool. :) ♡--->

Tw/cw/general warnings:•Selective mutism; only talks around specific people/people who they have a connection, and feel comfortable to-also depends on the selected area/situation around them

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Tw/cw/general warnings:
•Selective mutism; only talks around specific people/people who they have a connection, and feel comfortable to-also depends on the selected area/situation around them. Selective mutism is when you have the inability to talk around specific people/in certain situations, as it feels like you freeze; causing panic for most. Most do have the ability to talk around people they feel comfortable with, possibly from long connections, or an emotional bond; it depends on how severe it may be.
•There may be some incorrect information located in the chapter below, please point out the issue if you happen to realise anything, and I'll fix it immediately after.
•Talks about trust issues (due to past occurrences)
•Child neglect
•mentions of past fake/toxic friends (potential manipulation)
•Sleepy bois inc dynamic (Phil, Tommy, Techno, Wilbur)

If you think there are any more warnings necessary, please let me know! Enjoy ♡

"Hey, Techno, could you talk to us, please?" Wilbur and Tommy both questioned


Growing up, Technoblades childhood wasn't what someone would classify as a good one. But then again, it wasn't the overall worse thing ever..and things eventually did get better.

He came into the world, and was immediately loved by both parents; mum, and dad, he didn't have any siblings, but that was ok, and didn't change his point of view on life..probably because he never got to experience what it was like to have others near the same age as you, living in the same household at a young age.

His first few years, up until he was around 5 were satisfactory, and he enjoyed it dearly, obviously not many memories of this time remain, as he was still a small, developing child, but he knew that he was cared for, and had an amazing time..sortof.
Obviously there were times when his parents fought, but they were never serious to the point of no return, and they often apologised after only an hour or so, then continued to raise their baby as their own.

One of the biggest fights that they had was a conversation about school..wheather or not he would be homeschooled or go to a public one. His father thought that it would be better to keep him at home, getting a tutor, and homeschooling him, only for the greater good, and so he didn't get caught up in any "friend" drama.. though his mother thought otherwise, deciding against it, and sent him into a public school.
It's almost as if his father could tell something bad was bound to happen. Fathers intuition I guess..

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