"hes gone?" part2

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Continuation of "he's gone" (story requested by someone who wants to remain anonymous, as said in part 1)
•talk of death
•self deprecating thoughts
•angst (w/ fluff at end ig)
•canonical use of ranboos and tubbos PLATONIC relationship with michael
If there's any more potential warnings, please let me know. :]

"Should..should we tell the others?" Ranboo asked, turning directly to Phil, and making eye contact, whilst stuttering out his chosen words.

"Who..?" Phil asked, still looking at the floor below him.

Ranboo rolled his eyes slightly, though it wasn't noticeable due to Phil paying little to no attention.

"The others..? Tommy?" Ranboo said, starting to wipe his eyes, as the final emotions had finally hit him. Though, he had to avoid crying, or tearing up, as it would cause scarring.

"I..i need a break first, please. I need some time to take stuff in..you can tell them by yourself though, maybe-" Phil explained, before getting cut of by Ranboo.

"Take it slow, ok Phil? I understand its hard, but when he's been accepted to the afterlife, he will always be able to come back down to see us, ok?" Ranboo said, putting a hand on Phils shoulder, attempting to comfort him.

"Thank you, Ranboo.." Phil finally managed to say, before sighing. "Can you go tell the others..? Maybe bring the stuff, like the cape, and the crown with you? I feel as though tommy and tubbo should be the first to know.."

"I understand that." Ranboo said, before edging further way from Phil. "Phil, look at me." Phil looked up, making eye contact with ranboo. "Technoblade is safe, ok? Wilbur is also up there, and often visits us, so we know he will do the same. I can sense you worrying."

Phil managed to pull a smile, despite tearing up at the same time. It was such a mix of emotions. Ranboo, fully being able to comfort Phil, but Techno being gone. The moods were all so different, and there wasn't one emotion set entirely for the situation.

"Thank you, Ranboo. You're a good kid, you know that right? Remember what techno said? You're like a brother to him, and i can see why." Phil said, reassuring Ranboo that he was ok, even if he had gone through 10 different emotions in the period of a few minutes.

Ranboo smiled. "Thank you, Phil. I'll be off now, get some rest, ok? It's what techno would've wanted."

Phil nodded, and headed to his room, leaving ranboo behind, the note from techno beside him. He waited till Phil had completely left the room, then stared down at the floor. He wanted to cry, and let out all his emotions, but he knew he couldn't-it would just make the situation worse.

Ranboo picked up Technos letter he had previously written, and quickly read through it again, as he had forgotten if it specified where he left his stuff-it didn't. Though, Ranboo assumed it was in his room, like it would usually be.

He made his way over to where technos room was, and the door was unfortunately locked. Most likely so nobody else could steal the stuff, until finding out why it was there. Ranboo was ready for stuff like this, though, so clenched his fist, and punched the door open. He only needed a miniature entrance, or a small hole, as he was part endermen, meaning he could pearl through there (just not through solid items).

"Give my cape to tommy"
"Give my crown to Micheal"

Ranboo pearled into the room, and looked around it-the room was almost immaculate, with the bed seeming to be newly made, with the items needed located on top of it. The window was closed, as were the curtains, and the room was reasonably dark, aside from the light he had turned on.

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