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Hello! I just want to thank Bramborik06 for this request! :D
(Story based on dream smp made up, with sleepy bois inc dynamic-mostly tommy angst supposedly, though the entire family dynamic will be going through angst too.) ^tommy has 1 canonical life left, his previous death was by dream, but he got revived)
•some what set on dream smp
•Sacrifice (by drowning-could be considered as suicide)
•sbi (sleepy bois inc) family dynamic
•focus of tommy angst (though sbi angst in general)
•Steve=technos polar bear
I think that's all the warnings needed, though if you find anymore please let me know!

Wilbur had been dead for atleast a few months now. When it first happend, it was a shock to everyone, especially as philza minecraft, his father was the cause of his death-though, he did ask for it, and received. For the first few weeks of the incident, everyone lived in fear, due to how much power phil had gained, with the knowledge that he seemed strong now, after killing someone. But, they were also incredibly worried about wilbur. All alone, up in the atmosphere, of hopefully heaven. Yes, he could visit the home of the others, but the thought of wilbur forgetting everthing that happened haunted them, as theres a chance they would be the people who werent remembered next. For all they know, Wilbur could completely forget who he is-as he seemed to be getting that way.

Wilburs personality changed entirely,its almost as though he swapped character, and his identity completely. Infact, his name changed too. He was then refered to as "ghostbur". After the occurrence of the "button" event, the change in emotion was very heavily, noticable. There wasn't any insanity among him any longer, infact, he was very much softer, getting hurt mentally much more easily. Though, he was also much nicer-caring for others, more than he cared for himself. A catchphrase commonly used, "would you like some blue", was used when he was usually sad, or when he saw someone down. Though after a while, it ran out, he lost the blue he needed to keep his friende sane, and happy. One friend, and brother in particular.

"Would you like some blue?"

Tommy specifically was the one who needed the blue.

Philza was obviously effected by the sudden change, of his son being dead-especially as he was the given cause of his death. Though, he was also disappointed in Wilbur, for his previous 2 deaths, as wilbur himself was the cause for them both, even after being told not to do either. Among both the disappointment, and sadness that Wilbur being dead gave him, he still remained thankful that ghostbur could go back to the real world, to talk to him. Even if that did mean, that he forgot who he and everyone else around him was. Yes, Philza was definitely saddened by the death of wilbur, though he was thoughtful that one day he would get revived, to be greated by his two brothers, and dad again. One son was technically gone, and definitely not for the better, as all he did was blow up a nation-with techno still alive, phil knew that he could do much worse-. But, he knew that he still had techno, and tommy. Or, atleast techno, as they had both recently been betrayed by his youngest son-tommy.
Techno wasn't as effected by wilburs death. But, this is mostly due to the fact that he doesn't usually like showing emotions. Obviously, inside, deep down he felt saddened by his death, especially when he witnessed it, and technically brought it upon him. But at the same time, techno didn't necessarily care, knowing he still had the ability to see ghostbur basically everyday, and due to him changing identity, he couldn't get into trouble as often, which was good for the convenience of the older brother role he had. Techno thought of everything that would be considered as positive after the death of wilbur, though the only thing he really thought about, was the fact that he couldn't get betrayed by Wilbur, now hes dead. Technoblade still had tommy, his younger sibling-though he wasn't necessarily keen on that, as tommy had betrayed him multiple times. But, he did have philza, his father figure, who he trusts with his life..for the most part.
Tommy, was the brother on who took wilburs death most seriously, and he was ny far the one who cared most about the sudden change in aroma after he had disappeared, and changed into an entirely different person, that being ghostbur. Tommy was shocked, but mostly due to the fact that wilbur just wasn't..himself anymore, he was someone completely different, he didn't act the same, nor seem the same. Yes, wilbur may have blew up a nation, and went insane, especially when it came to buttons, but he didn't need to change himself, or..die just to prove himself different. Tommy just knows that wilbur isn't himself anymore, and thats not right. Its not as though wilbur notices, hes completely oblivious to the sudden change, as he forgot everything, but tommy sure didn't.
Tommys most previous death,was at the prison, where he got killed by the one and only, dream. But, Dream revived him, in almost no time at all, making him alive again, providing him with 1 canonical life remaining. Though, tommy needed to know how he did this-how dream revived him again. This wasn't so it would be kept as information to be given to anyone,nor is it to take advantage of dream, but it was to make ghostbur, his brother, wilbur again. Revive him, turn him back into his normal self. Wilbur may not remember anything about the process, of what happened, though atleast he would he Wilbur. The brother that tommy knows, and needs back.
It was the day, that the prison/jail was open for visitors, this day, Tommy would be the surprise visitor. Tommy knew that to meet dream again, he would need to make his way to the entrance, and get awesamdudes permission yet again. Tommy was hoping that awesamdude would take pitty on him, considering he almost got turned into ghostinnit the previous time he was there, though that most likely wouldn't be the case, considering it is a prison after all. Nobody knew that tommy would be doing this, potentially rising his life for wilbur, as he was alone, after wilburs dramatic death, and him betraying techno, he lost everyone, and was forced to stay alone for potentially the rest of time. He was ready.

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