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Requested by someone who wants to remain anonymous by name, though is fine if you refer to her as she/her.
•depressive thoughts
•set on dream smp
•sleepy bois inc dynamic
•self harm mentions/suicide mentions
I think that's all the general warnings needed, though if you find anymore, please let me know. :)


Even Phil betrayed you, your own Father. How pathetic is that? You clearly are a disappointment, and did nothing right. Phil, your dad, wilbur, your older brother and tommy, your younger brother all betrayed you to go to the opposing side, you were going against. Really, how much worse could it get? You clearly mean nothing to the world, nor anyone.

Nobody likes you.
You know that, right?

Everyone hates you, they all despise you. If you were gone from the earths plains, guess what? They wouldn't have to deal with someone like you any more. Yet, you are still here? Get on with it.

You deserve it.

Especially after all you did to everyone.

Maybe, if you left earth's atmosphere, and travelled to the afterlife, people may actually like you again, they would be happier without you.

Imagine the sheer satisfaction, death would bring upon you, it would make you realise, no one actually cares! They were all faking liking you, yet you didn't notice.

Absolutely pathetic.

Get on with it, and go die somehow.

You are and will always be lonely.


Those words in particular, "you will always be lonely", struck techno in the heart deeply. Yes, he understood that he will always be lonely, but it hurt more when someone else said it directly to him. It just made the thought even more certain.

Technos pov:
Maybe i should take their advice? If i die, maybe they will actually be happy..happy without me here. Everyone is gone..everyone i once loved, even though they all secretly despised me.
Why do i still like them, if they hurt me?

Techno sat against his wall, his head slowly edging backwards, before leaning on it, propped upwards. His head was overloaded on options, of what to do. Was it better to just..die? Or was life still worth living? Everyone had left him, , aside from steve, his polar bear-yet, he obviously doesn't speak English, and isn't a human. Though, at this point in time, is worth more to him than anything-even living.

Technos pov:
Steve..a literal animal..the only thing that has yet to leave me. If i leave..who will look after him?

Techno sat still for a while, before standing up, switching his location to towards his nearby window, located in his room, opposite to the side where he was previously at. Before sitting down, he stared out of it for a while, whilst the voices took over him, and his actions.

Planning on jumping already? What a shame, I'm not done making fun of you yet..but then again you could just end it now..and it'll all be over.
I thought you were smart?
But as you haven't jumped yet, you're clearly not intelligent at all.
You are such a disappointment.
Just as that tommy kid says "you're a bitch". A highly over confident bitch, aren't you now?
You need serious help, and now.
But guess what.
You have nobody to talk to, to get that help, do you?
That's unfortunate.
I suppose you'll just have to suffer.
Or..you could jump.
Get it over with.
You know you want to.
Do it.

The voices stopped talking, after what seemed like an eternity. Though, techno still felt trapped were he was standing. A cold sweat had appeared on his forehead, though it was dripping down to his lower face. It wasn't only sweat though, also tears. Crying felt like something he did too often-almost everyday. Mostly due to the voices, but also regularly just because of how the world is, and what direction his life was going in.

It was almost as though he was trapped in the spot where he was standing, completely unable to take a step somewhere else, other than forwards, out of the window. He knew he couldn't do that though-it was too early for him to die..

Or was it?

(The end)

This is much shorter than something i would usually do, i normally try to aim for chapters to be around 1000 words longs, sometimes more if possible. I genuinely wasn't necessarily feeling the setting i put it in, though still wanted to finish it, and not rewrite it, so i could get something published this week. Sorry if its not the best. As always, if you wany to request anything, feel free too. Thanks for reading. :)


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