So Close

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Jack had texted Davey 23 times now, he was supposed to be home an hour ago and naturally he was worried.

He sat on the couch, hugging a pillow and staring at his phone. He was scared something bad happened. And sadly, his instinct was right.

The phone rang, a call from Mars which was odd. Usually they just busted down the door if they had something they needed to say.

Jack shakily picked up his phone, answering the call, "Hey!" A fake smile they couldn't see, but sadly Jack couldn't disguise his incredibly worried tone.

"Hey, Jack.." Mars' voice was tired and quiet. "Davey's in the hospital."


The beeping of the heart monitor made Jack's stomach drop. Just the beep over and over that he could hear. He didn't want to look at the person in the hospital bed. If just the heart monitor did that who knows how he would react to seeing him.

"What happened?" His voice barely above an airy whisper, he turned to Sarah who was sitting in a chair by the bed, Mars at her side.

"A kid ran out into the highway. He swerved so he wouldn't hit them, ended up in the wrong lane. Semi flipped the car." She was absent from this world, probably in another happier one of her own where David was ok. She was staring off into nothing, looking more dead than alive.

Jack's heart stopped as he finally looked down at Davey; he was hooked up to things Jack didn't even know existed, bruises and cuts covered his face and arms, bloody bandages were wrapped around his head and stomach. Jack knelt down by the bed, looking at Davey who was still unconscious.

He fiddled with the bed sheet, "Dammit David." He whispered, refusing to cry so he just got mad.

Mars came up behind Jack and rubbed his back, "He'll be ok. Sarah says he always pulls through." They assured him.

"So this has happened before?" Jack looked over at the two.

"Not the crash. But high school wasn't exactly the best." Sarah rubbed her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Jack raised an eyebrow.

She shook her head, "That's David's information to have and tell. Not mine."

He looked back down at Davey. His Davey, who was toeing the line between dead and alive right now.

Jack reached out and took Davey's hand. He was freezing, his hand also cut up and bruised. The only thing moving as it was shaking a little. Hospitals were naturally cold, Jack didn't know why but jeez they were freezing. David's hand, however, was the lifeless kind of freezing.


Jack squeezed his hand, thinking. Just thinking.

He thought about the first time he saw Davey, how, even awkward, he was the prettiest thing Jack had ever seen.

He thought about his not so subtle flirting in the beginning, and how it actually meant something.

He thought of David's small blush that he would always, later on, blame on the chill of the November day.

He thought of David's ability to listen for hours and hours.

He thought of his subtle laughs at Crutchie's little bickers with Jack.

He thought of how focused he was when he read.

He thought of how he loved to go on drives and sing his heart out.

He thought about how he broke up with Katherine for Davey.

He thought about that beautiful sunset that caught and sharpened his features so well.

Those amazing riffs that weaved together with Jack's guitar creating that beautiful song.

Those dumb glasses and cute snake obsession.

How amazing he looked in those turtlenecks.

How amazing he looks all the time.

Those million and one facts he had stored in his mind.

He thought of his smell and his voice.

He thought of him in his arms.

He thought of the cuddles to horror movies. And to more regular ones, like Star Wars.

He thought of their quick, soft kisses.

He thought of their study sessions

And then he thought of the heart monitor.

The slow beat.

The shaky breaths.

And Jack thought of breaking down.

A/N book count where someone's in the hospital: ...........2

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