Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

When she came close enough to the trees, she clearly saw something was strange wrong. The trees stood in a clump, wither as if they were gasping after the air.

The green plant of a monster had twisted its roots around the trees and sucked all life out of the trees then left them and crawled on. They looked strangely empty and grey. "Hello!?", she cried scaredly, she wondered how the tree she met a while ago was doing. All it wanted was her help. But she denied it.

The shout echoed in the subsurface. Someone was screaming too. "I need help", Ivy cried. "The trees are dead. The monster is sucking all life out of them!", she was desperate.

"I need your help too", someone well-known was shouting. Ivy recognized it instantly and the relief streamed in her oars. It was the creature! It came skating over the cracky ground. The red-white striped colors were brightening and the sound of ringing bells gave Ivy flashbacks to the once she met him. The dwarf came breathlessly to her. He brought a leaf.

"Hi, Ivy", he sounded lost. "How do you know my name?", she asked. "We have been waiting for you for a long. Your brother and our home are in danger", he said. "I know. I saw the monster. It had literally sucked all life out of the trees", she said understandably.

"You have ...", he gasped. "Have you seen the monster?", he sounded surprised and disturbingly at the same time. She nodded looking at her shoes. "It could have been dangerous for you!", he was talking loudly and worrying. "Yeah, I know", Ivy whispered. She was shocked and didn't know what to say.

"The dryads are most in danger because they are tied connected to their tree. If the monster of a plant, hits the tree, the tree and the dryad will instantly die", the words hung shockingly in the air. "Is my brother a dryad?", Ivy wondered. The dwarf nodded and added: "and that's why we need your help" 

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